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Evolution of computer use in Minnesota





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Reader Comments (3)

You couldn't be any more correct!!!! I'm starting to think that as a district IT department we should contract out or build a "testing center" in order to adequately have computers and resources for testing!

Not only do we need physical resources for testing, but when testing companies <cough... Pearson... cough> cause the mass chaos that we've had with the MTELL and MCA Science test; they also tell us to "hold off" using our Internet and bandwidth so they have priority! It's absurd how testing has completely taken over EVERYTHING in education!!!

/end vent


May 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJames Keltgen

The sigh sign about sums it up. We're on Day 4 of occupying three labs for MCA Science testing at our school (as everywhere else...). Then there are makeup tests to arrange. Then we'll see if anyone dies from the stress of the setup preparation for these tests (just kidding, sort of . . .). The classroom teachers who really need the labs are doing a pretty good job of containing their frustration, but that could break loose and blow at any time now too. Fun.

May 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKeith Johnson

Hi Keith,

We seem to be muddling through the science tests.

It's depressing to think about how far backwards we've gone since the Profile of Learning days with its emphasis on authentic learning and assessment.

I wonder how much data there is that data use improves education?

Thanks for the note,


May 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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