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Where's the light switch?

An Apple representative once compared changing software versions to moving to a new house.

For the first few weeks, when you can't find the light switches, where you put the scotch tape or remember to turn left or right to get to the bathroom, you wonder, "What was I thinking moving to this new house?"

In fairly short order, though, the new house becomes more familiar and you appreciate the reasons for moving - bigger garage, nicer yard, more bedrooms, etc. The light switch location isn't a big deal anymore.

I am trying to remember this little analogy as I learn the new version of the squarespace blogging software. I am finally finding some of the new locations of old features, but I am not at the stage of being able to appreciate any improvements.

And while the site may look nicer, the product's done nothing to improve my writing or my ideas. Maybe that is asking for too much.

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Reader Comments (3)

Perhaps they'll read your complaints like Comcast did recently with Brandon Dilbeck.

I like the analogy; every time I move it seems to end up costing more money too.

July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeils

Doug, I complete empathize. I not only switched jobs, but arrived on the premises, flipped on the computer, and found out I would be using Windows 2007.

I cried.

The good thing is, now I'm in the house, I can walk around in the dark and only occasionally smash my shins on the coffee table. Oh wait. I don't have a coffee table. Maybe I'm in the wrong house????

As always,


July 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMary

@ Neils,

Costs to move and, now that I think of it, there were always some things I liked better about the old place!

Thanks for the comment,


@ Mary,

I sympathize. I've been using Office 2008 now for a few months and it seems to be less convenient rather than more. I still can't figure out how to do about half dozen things that I could do with the older version. I hate it when Bill Gates thinks he knows what is best for me.

Ah well, life goes on.


July 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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