I never looked better

Thanks to Cathy Jo Nelson for sharing this site, Cameroid.* (Sort of an online version of Photobooth that that comes with the Mac)
Evidence of Intelligent Design?
Using Abby Normal's brain.
This wasn't really what I intended to do this morning!
*Are there any attractive words that end in 'oid"?

Reader Comments (6)
Asteroid? (of course, now I've got hemorrh... and para... stuck in my head. Thanks, Doug.)
Mongoloid. Altoid?
You're welcome.
Ain't the Internet grand? sangfroid? steroid? thyroid? rheumatoid? and a few we will never incorporate into our vocabulary
We are what we make of ourselves. Bravo, well done.
@ Nancy,
I am amazed!. I did look up the definition of the suffix - "...oid: something similar to"
Ian Jukes links to a new one - "opiods." Yikes!
Thanks for the link!
@ Cathy,
Well, I was very taken by your space creature!
I suspect every time I (we) post something like this, our professional credibility takes a nose dive. But it is awfully fun!.
I realized I did not link back to your original post. Mistake corrected!
Thanks for sharing this link.It is awesome but I'm facing lil bit problem my face face is not matching with frame color.... It is so much brighten as compare to frame color... so what should I do now? Is there any option on website or in my webcam to low the brighten effect?