Blog Award

JIm (teacherninja) was nice enough to pass this award along to me. It now entitles me to give seven others this award.
I will draw them from the library field. A neat way to find a some other library bloggers of value!
- California Dreamin' by Rob Darrow
- Adventures in Educational Blogging by Susan Sedro
- Dunstanology, the St Dunstan School Library Blog
- Professional Thoughts by Cathy Nelson
- Always Learning by Kim Cofino
- Not So Distant Future by Carolyn Foote
- From Who the Bell Tolls: M A Bell's Blog About Librarianship and Technology
Oh, the award goes on my shelf next to the Whitcomb Prize for satire! The Illusion of Change tripped a trigger. I still think it is a wonderful piece of writing. Funny how I can't find any ed journal that wants to publish it.
Reader Comments (3)
Thanks Doug! So flattered to be on any list you make where the world "brilliant" is concerned :)
Aww Shucks! I'll have to give you a great big glass of sweet iced tea when you come to Greenville in March! Maybe something stiffer. We'll be sure to eat somewhere better than Sticky Fingers, which is where Ewan McIntosh and David Jakes were taken to eat when they were in town in June. Significantly better. Shudder.
Hi Kim,
I realized that you are a tech integration person rather than a librarian. Please take my mistake as a compliment. I always enjoy and learn from your thoughtful posts.
Keep those wild men at ISB in check!
All the best,
Hi Cathy,
If Sticky Fingers is a barbeque place, I am for it. I always (and only) drink sweet tea when I go South. I wonder why that is?
The mention was well-deserved!