READ mini-posters

Something free from ALA? The temperature in hell must be dropping.
This is a (bad) example of the product that can be created using ALA's new Read Mini-poster generator. See URL below.
Reader Comments (9)
Nice one, Doug! I'm sure this will look lovely in every media center in your district. Will you be sending them framed?
OK, I'm an idiot. I don't get it.
Great poster Doug! I think we just found the cover for the fall MEMO conference.
@ ninja
Let's hope not!
@ Gary,
I thought we wanted HIGHER attendance at our conferences!
Might be a good door prize if positioned as something that would help keep mice out of the barn.
@ Michael,
I have added some additional information about the image generator. I would have been confused looking at this as well.
Thanks for the clarification--I think you've stumbled on a great new meme!
I hung it in my office. I need something to keep the bats away from the window.
Excellent Posters..........! ! ! !
Where'd the generator go? I know I'm a little late, but sheesh!
Hi Shannon,
Try this one:
I updated the original post as well.