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Reaction to Obama's inauguration


My seven-year-old grandson says it better than I can:

Paul, I felt very happy as well. I also believe it will be a good four years. Or eight. - Grandpa

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Reader Comments (11)

I think it will be a good eight years.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom Hoffman

I think your blog post is very well written. I also hope that the new President stops the war. I enjoyed reading your post! Keep blogging.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLiz kolb


Our entire elementary school watched the swearing in ceremony in our auditorium. When first grade came into the Library for class, the students were excited and wanted to know if I were going to read a book about President Obama. I shared The Impossible Patriotism Project and we discussed what it means to love your country.

I also believe it will be a good four years.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdiane

I kept my kids home from school today as watching the inauguration was not on the program. There are some things for which school must be skipped. I thought this was one. I also hope for a good eight years.

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

I find it hard to believe it could be worse!


Thanks, Liz and Diane. I’ll pass your comments on to Paul.

All the best,


I agree. Historic moments and DisneyWorld are both worth skipping school for.

All the best,


January 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

Thanks for writing this Paul - and thanks Doug for posting it.
We set up a big screen , projector and speakers in the media center and had a couple hundred kids watching yesterday. Superintendent was there with his group of student leaders. - and most teachers also had it on in their classrooms. A day of hope tempered by the realization of tough times and hard work ahead - but a strong sense of "yes we can" . I continue to be impressed with how organized and detailed the transition has been - have you been to lately ?

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTim Staal

Most everyone here had a huge smile on their faces on Wednesday ! (we're a day ahead here) ---

It's a hopeful positive time. Yes we as a a nation have some huge problems and issues now but also we have someone as a leader who sounds like a leader should -- with ideas and policies that make sense. Words are very important and our new President knows how to effectively use them to inspire, guide and "steady" the ship of state. The inauguration ceremony was very moving & the crowds amazing. Apparently the White House site was updated a few minutes after 12:00 noon on Tues. -- impressive organization. I like the idea of a "blog" from the White House.

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLinda Rogde

If statistics hold true his time in office will be eight years. Most Presidents over our history have won reelection.

January 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterauto insurance phoenix

I am afraid it might be a good 4-8 years for terrorists. Certainly not a good 4-8 years for unborn children. Then again, it probably will be a good 4-8 years for the economy and people trying to enter the job market or get higher education, or those who feel like just having an African American as President is enough of a good thing.
My real opinion of Pres. Obama is to be tempered by what he does rather than what he says he will do. I do not feel he will be as radical to the left as he said he would be, instead moving toward the center with decisions and policies. In the next 4-8 years, Americans will definitely see who the real Barack Obama is, that is certain.

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertom in flyover country

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the comment. I’ll pass these along to Paul. Who knows, maybe he will become a regular on the Blue Skunk. My son has written a couple post for me on gaming and Pink’s career book.

The site must be popular. Keeps timing out on me, but I’ve read about it.

All the best,


Hi Linda,

I saw mostly smiles here as well. What a positive day, I thought!

Thanks for the note and the international perspective,


Hi Tom in Flyover,

While I don't agree that the next four years will be better for terrorists, I do share your caution about forming an opinion about Obama until he has been on the job for a while.

Thanks for commenting,


January 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

You are a bad man Johnson! But I like it!

February 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRasta

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