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VOTE for SKJ and Librarians in the news!

One of my favorite people, Sara Kelly Johns, is running for the presidency of the American Library Association. Please, when the time comes, take a moment and vote for her. Don't hold my endorsement against her.

AASL (school library media specialists) make up about 1/6th of the total ALA membership. But if we all voted as a block, we'd put Sara in office. School librarians have always been the red-headed stepchild of ALA, but Sara could help change that.

You can read more about Sara and that other candidate here. I know of no other school librarian (or any librarian) who works as hard as Sara does for the good of the profession.

Really, really.


And in other news...

Long-time ALA Council Member, Terri Kirk, is featured in the most recent NEA Today newsletter. Check out "Beyond the Stacks: The School Librarian in the Digital Age." She is quoted as saying,

In the information age, who could be more important than a librarian? We specialize in information.

Pass this short and timely article on to your teachers and administrators.

I'd guess one article that is read by the general education population does more for our profession than 100 articles we only write for each other. NEA-member librarians, ideas for your professional publications?

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Reader Comments (5)

ooh, nice quote! Will indeed check it out. Thanks.

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterteacherninja

Hey add the widget to your side bar!! Made by me of course!!

Text for code:
Here is html code to add a badge on your website or blog to show your support:
img src="" alt="SKJ4ALA" height="100" width="170" />

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCathy Nelson--aka Cathyjo

Oh no--the html translated. It's here in the middle of the page if you want the code:

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCathy Nelson--aka Cathyjo

Couldn't agree with you more about SKJ.!

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJanet

Thank you so much for the "plug," Doug. I do think it is the right time for a school librarian as president of ALA, speaking for all libraries. All of AASL voting would be terrific...using our collective voices to make a difference. WOW! That would be a LOUD voice!

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSara Kelly Johns

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