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Cynicism and distance

I worry no matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up.
Jane Wagner

In a recent comment, Skip Olson pondered, "I found myself last week wondering if it is possible to grow old without growing cynical. So far the answer for me is apparently, no."

I've asked myself the same question wondering if aging must leads to a permanently skeptical view of the motives of others. Unless one deliberately adopts a Pollyannaish mind-set, can the thinking person avoid cynicism?

Reflecting a little on this, I've noticed that the farther away, more abstract or larger something is, the more cynical I tend to be about it. Some examples...

  • I am cynical about religion on the whole (especially fund-raising TV evangelists, moralizing political philosophies, and the general ju-ju that is a part of most religions), but I have absolutely no doubt that my pastor son-in-law and his small church is a genuine blessing and comfort to its members and community.
  • I am cynical about the teaching profession and its willingness to change, but I know and admire lots and lots of individual teachers, librarians and administrators who are changing and have devoted their lives to making schools a better place for kids.
  • While I am deeply, deeply cynical about both federal and state government and politics, the few individual legislators and state employees I know personally are dedicated, thoughtful people and I still believe in participating in the legislative process as much as possible.

Studies often show that while the general population gives "education" in the U.S. negative approval ratings, individuals give their own children's schools high marks. While most people are against higher taxes on general principle, we often vote increases to fund local projects like schools, libraries, recreational facilities or civic centers. And no matter how reprehensible politicians are as a species, we nearly always return the incumbents to office.

Any take-aways from these idle musings???

  • Probably the fastest and most meaningful way we could decrease cynicism and actually improve schools is to allow no district to grow over 10,000 students in size. Small school districts (not small schools or small class sizes), lead to more parental contact with administrators, less bureaucracy, and more local accountability by elected school boards. After a certain point, economy of scale is not economy at all.
  • When anyone proposes a good "change theory," I will continue to respond: "Yes, that sounds good. Can you give me an actual example of a time that worked in a school building?" Let's start with what works in practice and build theories from that.
  • To avoid cynicism, look at individuals, not groups. We are better spreading the word about fantastic individuals and programs that we are bemoaning the "state of education." For every problem stated, one should be required to report on an example of an antidote to that problem. Or it simply becomes whining.
  • I will continue to advocate that individual teacher and librarian bloggers "Praise locally; complain globally." Not just to keep out of trouble with one's administrators, but to increase the likelihood of their writings making a difference.

Peanuts character Lucy once said, "I love mankind. It's people I can't stand." This old cynic just might reverse that. 'I don't trust mankind, but I have faith in people."

Thus endeth today's sermon.

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Reader Comments (11)


You have hit on the twin paradox - cynicism and hypocrisy.

If one is not a cynic as they age, there is reason to question the "Pollyannaish" acceptance of the world as it is.
The reason I am a cynic (somewhat proud of it at times) is what you later mention: "The system (political, educational, religious, etc.) is screwed up, EXCEPT where I live" mentality of us all. The issue is hypocrisy.

How can it be, and has been for a long time, that everywhere else is doing it wrong, but my church - my kid's school - my representative has it right? Simply because no one wants to admit (in our private "keeping up with the Joneses" country) that we are the lower class. Hypocrisy is not isolated to religious settings. It may be what makes us American.

I'll leave it there...for now.

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRic Murry

As a Canadian I can say that human nature crosses boundaries. This wonderful post is just not for Americans. How does one create a school culture to counter cynicism? Administrators should praise teacher initiatives however small, encourage collaboration and sharing of innovative ideas, and create structures which celebrate student enthusiasm for inquiry based learning. I like your point that in microcosm we tend to see many more positives around us.

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul C

I am a cynical idealist. And I've been doing this for a long time. I am cynical about the idea that the overall education system will ever change. But I am an idealist and believe that it is possible...if the right people, at the right time, meet in the right moment, and plan the right plan....well you get the idea.

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Parisi

I'm 64, and I don't believe I'm a cynic. A skeptic, yes, but skepticism and cynicism are two very different things. If it's true that you have to become a cynic as you grow old, then I guess I don't want to grow old. (Yes, Ric, I've been accused of being a Pollyanna. Personally, I prefer Candide.)

November 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwalt crawford

We are better spreading the word about fantastic individuals and programs that we are bemoaning the "state of education."

Doug, I began a district technology showcase 4 years ago and there are still folks who don't get why we do it. It is to give some of the exemplary teachers and their students a chance to show off what they are doing. Every year I have parents and community members come up and tell me that they had no idea this stuff was happening in our schools.

November 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDottie

Hi Ric,

I don't know if I agree. I have no problem reconciling being cynical about some things but not others. I don't feel hypocritical. Maybe it is scale or notoriety that trips my cynicism trigger!

All the best,


Hi Paul,

I hope you attempt to answer your question about a school culture (or any culture) that stop cynicism. Of all the bloggers I read, you are the most honest and least critical and most hopeful. If anyone can teach us about positive but realistic thinking, it would be you.

All the best,


Hi Lisa,

I like the term. Sort of like pragmatic visionary!


Hi Walt,

Yes, I consider cynicism a mindset of the default being bad, but skepticism a thinking skill with the outcome to be determined. Splitting hairs???

I also like Oscar Wilde's definition: A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Thanks for the comment,


Hi Dottie,

And I am sure the showcase serves as an inspiration to other teachers as well. A wonderful way to create change - better than scaring the bejeezus out of folks!


November 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson


No, I don't think it's splitting hairs. "Trust but verify" is a skeptical byline, but not a cynical one. I don't see how you can be a cynic and still an optimist, but I'm decidedly a skeptic and very much an optimist. (On the other hand, skeptics may turn into "niche cynics" when a certain group or field has demonstrated itself unworthy over and over again...and there's nothing wrong with that.)

November 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwalt crawford

I am in Walt's camp. People say nothing ever changes, but if you look at SAT data from the 1920s until they changed the test the scores remained relatively flat. But consider that in the 20s it was only wealthy white men taking it and as the years went on it was nearly everyone. That, to me, shows that we're doing the best we can. Yes, there are many things we do wrong and could do better but I think the right way to think about it is to remain skeptical (especially of quick fixes) and hopeful. By being skeptical of what can be done, rather than cynical, you may get terribly frustrated about the incessant testing, the slow rate of change, and the wasteful practices but you still have hope that--if done right--things could get better (and sometimes already are). If you take away poverty, we're one of the best educated people on the planet. I'm skeptical that we will eliminate poverty. But I hope that we will try our best and that things will improve.

Thanks, as always, for the thought-provoking post.

December 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJim Randolph

Hi Ninja,

I think the Bible says "The poor shall be with you always." Does this mean it's a cynical document???

Thanks for the comment,


December 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

I would have to say yes.

December 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJim Randolph

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