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Budgeting for Mean, Lean Times Part 7

7. I can list the areas for which I need to budget.

 A simple form, done in a spreadsheet, can be a useful tool for organizing a library budget. No single program's budget will look the same, so this ample form will need to be modified, of course.

Budget form


Relevant data

Rationale/goals to be met/department requesting

Amount requested

Library books and reference material maintenance*

Collection size

Replacement %

Average cost per title

Maintenance of current collection (See part 8)


Library books and reference materials growth

User requests/program goals

(This may include new units, building goals, commitment to standards, etc.)







Number of titles

Person or department requesting (as attached list)






Online subscriptions and fees (periodical databases, online encyclopedias, online tutorials, etc.) 

Specific titles and amount of previous year’s use.







Pre-recorded video

Collection size

Replacement %

Average cost per title

(This may include new units, building goals, commitment to standards, etc.)






Computer software

Number of terminals

Teacher requests

(This may include new units, building goals, commitment to standards, etc.)






Licenses and support costs (for library systems, servers, etc.)

Specific programs requiring support licenses.







Library supplies/computer supplies/blank video and audio tapes/promotional materials


(Be specific as possible. Show allocation per teacher if the library is responsible for providing.)






Library equipment -maintenance

Current amount

Replacement %

Average cost per replacement

Maintenance of current inventory. (See part 8)


Library equipment - growth

User requests/program goals

(This may include new units, building goals, commitment to standards, etc.)






Classroom equipment -maintenance

Current amount

Replacement %

Average cost per replacement

Maintenance of current inventory. (See part 8)


Classroom equipment -growth

User requests/program goals

(This may include new units, building goals, commitment to standards, etc.)






Other items specific to my program or school:





*Maintenance budgets are explained in the next section.

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