Learning & Leading digitally

I really like the way ISTE's Leaning and Lurching Learning & Leading appears in electronic format:
“Computing in the Clouds” Learning & Leading, Dec/Jan 2009/10.
There may be some question about their editorial judgment, but the format is pretty cool! It looks just like the print version with spiffy graphics, it's easy to link to, to navigate, and to print.
Those of us who write for publication in our professional association's journals do so to be read by a broad audience. This means of distribution helps make that happen. Kudos, ISTE.
AASL - are you paying attention? Where is KQ with this???
Reader Comments (2)
Beautiful! Both content-wise and looks-wise. I would say that there is absolutely not a thing wrong with ISTE's editorial judgment :-).
Hi Francey,
Coming from such a good writer and thinker as yourself, this is high praise indeed!
Thank you,