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The ice is out

Last year I noted that this blog would serve as my Personal Information Manager (PIM) to help me remember when the ice went out on Lake Jefferson.

It worked! Last year, the ice went out on April 15th.

Thanks, no doubt, to global warming, the jet stream, or AIG executive malfeasance, the ice went out this year today, March 24th, a full three weeks earlier than last year.

Minnesotans usually do a little dance when this happens. Especially on the years they got their ice houses off the lake first.

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Reader Comments (3)

Drama was created this year at Wisconsin's WEMTA (Wisconsin Educational Media Technology Association) conference as we watched a fox, stranded on the last ice on Lake Monona, perish as he/she could not swim.

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Pederspon

I think it'd be dramatic to see a picture of Doug (i.e. not a fox, but a blue skunk) walking on that iceless water. We know he can walk on ice, yet many of us even think he can also walk on water. So a [photoshopped] picture of such a event would complete that picture for us. I would hope that the blue skunk, unlike the fox, wouldn't unceremoniously perish due to a lack of swimming ability, however.

March 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKeith Johnson


Check the graphic at:



All you techies and you couldn't rescue one little fox? We Minnesotans would have swum out an rescued it!


March 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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