Good things in store for SIGMS members at NECC

from SIGMS chair-elect, Lisa Perez. Be there or be square!
Dear SIGMS Members: Your SIG has a slate of exciting events planned for you at NECC. Please make plans to attend the following activities:
21st Century Media Center Playground – Mon, June 29, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Washington DC Convention Center
Connect with other library media specialists and teachers to learn about the latest technologies to support information literacy development; professional networking options, such as our successful Second Life virtual learning community; recommended Web 2.0 tools to use with students; and electronic resources, including websites, e-books, and audiobooks. Free of charge. Hosted by ISTE's SIGMS.
SIGMS Breakfast – Tues, June 30, 6:30 am – 8:00 am
Washington DC Convention Center, Room 202
You are invited to join your colleagues for the second annual SIGMS breakfast. Our guest speaker will be Bernanjean Porter, a nationally known speaker on technology issues of interest to school librarians. Bernajean will speak on “The Role of Digital Storytelling for Learning Across the Curriculum”. We will look at student examples of digital storytelling and how it can be used effectively to promote learning in various subject areas. Free of charge. Register at Sponsored by ProQuest and Library Media Connection magazine.
SIGMS Technology Innovation Award – Tues, June 30, 8:30 am – 9:45 am
Washington DC Convention Center, Keynote Session
The 2009 SIGMS Technology Innovation Awards will be presented during the keynote session. Watch as three teams of a school librarian and a collaborating teacher from elementary, middle and high school levels receive awards for conducting exemplary technology programs extending beyond the library to meet the needs of students and teachers. Sponsored by Library Media Connection magazine and Follett Software Company.
SIGMS Forum – Tues, June 30, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Washington DC Convention Center
Make plans to attend the SIGMS Forum “The School Library 2.0 and Beyond”. This giant “think-a-thon” will focus on how Web 2.0 technologies can transform the school library. Moderated by Marlene Woo-Lun, we will be led in discussion by panelists David Loertscher, Christopher Harris, MaryFriend Shepard, and Sara Kelly Johns. Free of charge. Seating is limited. Register through the ISTE NECC website.
SIGMS Annual Business Meeting – Wed, July 1, 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Attend this important meeting to review SIGMS accomplishments during the 2008-09 school year and to contribute to planning in the upcoming year. Meet the incoming SIGMS leadership and network with other SIGMS members. Light refreshments will be served.
Lisa Perez, Area Library Coordinator & Professional Librarian
Medill Professional Development & Training Ctr.
Department of Libraries & Information Services
1326 W. 14th Place, Rm 218 Chicago, Illinois 60608
773-553-6212 773-553-6211 fax
SIGMS Chair-Elect
Reader Comments (4)
Thanks for the information..
You are very welcome. As I look over the program, I'll make some suggestions for breakout sessions too!
This will be my first "really big" conference. Any suggestions about how to choose what to do, what to see, and when to fill out my planner? I get this same feeling when planning for MEMO conferences and the next years lessons (but with the luxury of being able to change things when those teachable moments come up). Keeping up with best practices, what's new in educational technology, what's new in the "core" curriculum and how to best be a part of student learning in the classroom and still recommend the best books for student enjoyment-I love being a teacher librarian/media specialist/technology teacher... but I still don't know where to begin to organize this great opportunity my school has given me. Thanks for any advice. J
Hi Jacquelyn,
To tell the truth, I am poor person to ask since I never feel very organized going to these sorts of conferences. The main thing is to get all your vendor meals lined up!
Do complete the scheduler online before you go, but plan to stay flexible as you hear about cool things while there. Schedule enough time to visit in the halls and just talk to interesting people.
Have fun and let me know how things went. Say "hi" if you see me there!