Guy gone wild

The LWW is in Ireland and France for two weeks visiting her son and daughter-in-law. It's rare that I have time at home alone, so I am going to go wild. I fully intend to:
- Not put the toilet seat down.
- Watch TV while I eat.
It's pathetic that's about all I can think of. I've admittedly a weak moral character, but I've found that being bad takes a lot of energy. In fact, I'd guess exhaustion is the leading cause of good behavior among older men.
I have been lusting after that new MacBook Air laptop computer. Ladies, would this fly if your husband with a hung dog look said, "I was just so lonely and bored I bought a new computer... If you forgive me, I promise never to do it again."?
Reader Comments (10)
You deserve it.
Sounds like the LWW will just make you take a few more speaking engagements to pay for the MacBook Air (and something for her. )
I laughed when I read this and had to share it with my hubby. He said that you could also make bodily noises without having to say, "excuse me!" LOL
I say just buy it and make no excuses. I have one and I love it. So light, so - airy! I can carry it anywhere without one of those big clunky laptop bags.
Thanks for the laugh! However... if you were asking in semi-seriousness.... You buying a Macbook Air would NOT fly at my house. If I came home from a vacation, and my husband had a new computer (especially one that I lusted after myself...) well then let's just say we'd need to be turning the thermostat up an awful lot because things would be mighty chilly in the house! However, if your wife has no interest in things technological, she probably won't mind. Good luck with your purchase.
(Didn't you recently buy a Kindle?) How often do you indulge in new "toys"? Just wondered.
If you had a birthday coming up, you could just drop very blatant hints, such as a catalog with the page dog-eared and the product circled and starred left on her pillow
or you could arrange to have the sales person phone her and say, "Doug wanted me to call to give you some information about the present he thinks you should buy for him."
I always justify purchases made right around now by the realization that the end of the school year is the perfect time to get a new toy because then you have the summer months to check it out and play with it.
You could tell her that it takes up a lot less space than an organ (my organist-husband's upcoming purchase--although, admittedly, NOT without consulting, sweet-talking, and convincing me).
Only if it was followed by, "And I bought you one, too!"
It's not a lustful purchase, it's an action-research project.
BTW: I've had my MacBook Air for almost a year, and I love it!
I think you mean a 'hang dog' look. A 'hung' dog evokes a completely different visual!
I know, John. Thanks.
Hi Rick,
The speaking engagements indeed are what will pay for the thing.
Hi Pat,
I wouldn't know since I never make such noises ;-)
Hi Janice,
Oh, I think things will be OK with the LWW. We run sort of yours, mine and ours budget system and we don't fuss about what we spend out of the non-joint accounts. The computer would have made a lovely birthday present, but a good deal more than we usually spent.
And I buy new toys more often than I should, including Kindles, iPod Touchs, NetBooks - but then staying up with such devices, I think, is part of my job both at school and as a writer/presenter. That's my story and I'm sticking with it!
Hi Libby,
I did buy the LWW a piano while she was gone once. I think she appreciated it.
HI Cheryl,
She has a nice laptop already. Thank goodness.
Hi Marianne,
Yes, a "hung" dog has at least a couple different meanings, at least one of them inappropriate!. Thanks for helping me catch the typo.