Social media t-shirt

Just in time for Uni-blogger Edu-bloggercon, prior to NECC. From
All banner artwork by Brady Johnson, professional graphic artist.
My latest books:
The Blue Skunk Page on Facebook
Just in time for Uni-blogger Edu-bloggercon, prior to NECC. From
Reader Comments (5)
I have been through your blog. Lots of interesting stuff is being discussed here.Thanks a lot for doing so.
Can't wait to see you passing them out at the door.
Here's to an even better discussion this year!
I wish I could attend EdubloggerCon. Alas, I won't make it to DC until late Saturday evening the week of NECC. Save me a shirt. Better--make some buttons or stickers to pass out. I'd like a sticker, please.
I would have bought one, if I wasn't certain that everyone else will be wearing them...
-- dave --
Hi Dave,
I think being a slave to fashion is a problem neither you nor I suffer from. Look forward to seeing you in DC!