Woot, W00t - evolving language

But al the thyng I moot as now forbere,
I have, God woot, a large feeld to ere,
And wayke been the oxen in my plough,
The remenant of the tale is long ynough.
I wol nat letten eek noon of this route,
Lat every felawe telle his tale aboute,
And lat se now who shal the soper wynne;The Knyghtes Tale, Chaucer, 14th Century England
Um.........to me sorry but dis book iz horrible i dont lyk it n tew me itz jus borin sorry not trying tew be disrespectful tew da author but i mean really. But thanx 4 writin it s0e i can read it tew n0e nt tew read it again but da 1st tym i read it it wuz ok but az i keep readin it more den 2 tyms den it gtz more borin s0rry.
Quintonya, response to blog post, 21st Century cyberspace
Language evolves. I just wish that human thought evolved along with it.
Reader Comments (2)
luv this! thnx!!!
Very funny!