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Format Bigotry presentation in SecondLife

As you can tell, the crowds were overwhelming last night in Second Life for my presentation on eliminating our biases about the containers in which our information and entertainment come. I'd have thought Obama would have rescheduled his address to Congress knowing he was going up against this compelling address, but I guess he just decided to take his chances.

Actually there was a nice turn out of avatars and I enjoyed the discussion very much. You can find the slides of the preso here and the original post on which the talk was based here. And the conversation continues on the ISTE Ning here.

As always, Lisa Perez (SL Elaine Tulip) did an outstanding job helping get this SIGMS event organized, promoted and working. THANK YOU, ELAINE!


This machinima thanks to Valibrarian Gregg. Thank you!


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Reader Comments (4)

Thank you for sharing the information about your presentation. Your slides made me laugh. I am already thinking of finding an opportunity to show them to my staff. Thanks again!

September 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelanie Holtsman

Hi Melanie,

You are very welcome. Thanks for the thoughtful comment.


September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

I always enjoy the way the conversation flows in SL. It takes on a life of its own and the topic of format bigotry got us going! Thanks for you words of wisdom! McKay Sweetwater

September 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMary Kay

Hi Mary Kay,

I enjoy SL presentations when there are no technical glitches. It's getting better!

Thanks for the comment,


September 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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