New skunks

My son Brady is home from his two-year jaunt in Wellington, New Zealand, and has created a few new "skunks" to use as blog headers*. I'll get them worked in as I have time, but here they are as stand-alones.
In the car
The Blue Skunk app
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you...
* The folks who read this blog in a feed reader miss these little graphics that change about every two weeks.
Reader Comments (5)
How wonderful that you and Joyce Valenza have such talented offspring whose work can enhance your web 2.0 presence! I need to get one of my kids fired up, but it will be hard to match this.
Love the Blue Skunk app!!
Fantastic!! I do hope he is being monetarily rewarded for his work!!
Two years since Brady left, and then he's back in a blink of an eye? It seems like a few months ago...really. I clearly remember the picture of him in the driveway in your blog, and my memory doesn't stretch back more than a few months....really. As for his new skunk illustrations, well, to paraphrase Loudon Wainwright, they're "stinking to high heaven" with a fresh, glad-to-be-back-home-with-Dad-and-glad-to-be-back-in-the-USA aroma. It stinks good (and bodes well). And yes, cut him a generous check.
Thanks, Sandra and Janet. I'll share your comments with Brady!
Hi Cathy Jo,
Does room and board count as payment?
Hi Keith,
Time does fly - especially for older dudes like us.
Brady is compensated - no worries.
Good to hear from you. Missed you at MEMO this year,