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Inspiration from reality

We were fortunate to have Buffy Hamilton and Cathy Jo Nelson deliver keynote sessions at MEMO, our state school library conference this year. I am happy to report that despite severe speech impediments regional accents, they delivered.

Like the Amy Obert/Anita Beaman keynote team last year, Buffy and Cathy Jo were particularly inspirational because:

  • They are practicing library media specialists
  • They reflect the gender make up of the organization (See Is AASL Sexist?)
  • They are pushing the envelope, but are also practical
  • They exhibited good slide design sense and relaxed, confident presentation styles
  • They don't pretend to have all the answers
  • They encourage rather than scold
  • They are hopeful
  • They are real people
  • They are low maintenance (we only had to pick one color of M&Ms out of the bags)

Book them for your next conference. You could do worse.

Buffy's slide deck for her keynote is here:  Beyond Balance: Participatory Librarianship for Creating, Connecting, Conversing, and Contributing

Cathy Jo's resources are here: 10 Tools to a More Relevant Library

Thanks to Buffy's Facebook page for the photo...


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Reader Comments (3)

Why thank ya kindly!!

October 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCathy Nelson

Doug---a vote of confidence from someone who inspires your own work is truly priceless. What an honor it was to be part of such a great conference and learning experience with you and other MEMO participants! Thank you for being such a leader in our profession---I'm proud to contribute to it side by side with you and our colleagues.


October 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBuffy Hamilton

Hi Buffy and Cathy Jo,

Just pay it forward one day!


October 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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