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Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865), in a book review
A review of my latest book that appeared in School Library Journal, March 2010, p. 188:
JOHNSON, Doug. School Libraries Head for the Edge: Rants, Recommendations, and Reflections. 196p. illus, bibliog. Web sites. CIP. Linworth. 2009. pap. $35. ISBN 978-1-58683-392-3. LC 2009022053.
Eighty long-running "Head for the Edge" columns in Library Media Connection and its predecessor, Technology Connection, are collected here, in topical clusters dealing with professional issues relevant to both veterans and newbies. Reading much like threads in Johnson's "Blue Skunk" blog, the columns are reflective, conversational, and characteristically humorous. Often looking through the lens of a learner, colleague, or administrator, the author believes that "the librarian will always be the sole determining factor of quality of the library program." In the chapter "Professional Skills and Dispositions," he offers advice on handling constructive criticism and challenges us to be mindful of exhibiting the same dispositions for which we grade students, such as displaying positive attitudes and communicating persuasively without being combative. In "Technology and Libraries," columns focus on adapting to change, the future of books, and why we should demand features such as federated and concordance searching of all holdings and texts, readymade citations, and customizable social network spaces from automation system designers. This forward-thinking approach is evident in one column from 1995, called "The Future of Books," in which Johnson imagines a book with a network jack, backlit screen, rechargeable battery, and touchscreen dictionary (12 years before the Kindle!). Chapters end with quotes, questions, and self-evaluative reflection that readers will be inspired to mirror. For all practitioners.-Vicki Reutter, Cazenovia High School, NY
and another very sweet review here...
Anyone who has ever voluntarily reviewed a book has saved humanity countless hours of lost time. Jewels in the crown to all who write them.
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