Been doing this for a looooong time

During my file cabinet cleaning, I've been encountering some "archival" materials from earlier in my career.
A meeting announcement from a 1990 building library advisory committee meeting:
and a 1991 technology department newsletter
Lucky for you I had a catastrophic harddrive crash in 1989 that caused the loss of all my Apple IIe documents or I'd be sharing communications from as far back as 1983 or so when I got my first computer and was in my first school library position.
I've been going over my talk for the Leadership Bootcamp in Denver this Saturday. Here's the official description:
"Developing a Shared Vision of Technology's Use in Schools."
The best technology plans and policies are ones developed by a wide range of stakeholders. Learn how collaborative planning and policy setting, getting touch with your “inner techie,” and establishing an effective advisory committee and communication's plan make good decisions related to technology implementations more likely.
Here's the real title: Ending the Range Wars: Collaborative Technology Planning and Decision-making
What's changed in 20 years?
Communication is electronic
Planning is more collaborative, more transparent:
Ok, the tools have changed. The concepts are the same. Communicate, collaborate. Purposely.
Reader Comments (4)
I approve of any meeting that involves wine.
I appreciate that you have been doing this for a long time. I am brand new to blogging and using technology in the classroom.It is veterans like you that are helping me get into this century. The funny thing is, I have been working in Education for a looong time too and have stuff that is so outdated as to be funny, sad , and just plain weird.
So wine and cheese is how you get them to "'come and listen".! ineed to set up an advisory board for my elementary school and was wondering how in the world to get a few key people on my way too busy staff to be my allies for the library, and media and forward progress. ..Relationships is the key I guess buttering people up is not a bad idea..! I think I'll try it!...
Hi Debbie,
The first time I got my committee together they didn't know they were going to be a committee! I sort of sprung the idea on them. It worked, though.
Good luck!