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Skype an author

 Hi folks,

Find below the invitation to what looks like a great webinar. Even "book librarians" can harness technology to make their programs more powerful!


 Hi Doug!!!
Thank you for posting about this: but i think the link to enter the room is wonky (my bad!)
... i had to fix it on the TL Cafe Wiki so if your readers want to get in please have them Google
TL Virtual Cafe - look for the BIG BOLD ENTER ROOM link and they'll be good to go!
TL Cafe Host




This month at the TL Virtual Cafe:

Skype an Author
June 7th 8pm EST
Guests: Dr. Mona Kerby & Sarah Chauncey
Host: Gwyneth Jones

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Ramona N. Kerby and Sarah Chauncey will talk about their groundbreaking project and site, Skype an Author! Join the TL Virtual Cafe to learn about Skype an Author: "The mission of the Skype an Author Network is to provide K-12 teachers and librarians with a way to connect authors, books, and young readers through virtual visits."

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Reader Comments (3)

I love the idea of this Skype an author thing. Unfortunately it's blocked in my district due to low bandwidth issues. Apparently in my state all districts get the same amount of bandwidth and I'm in the biggest district which ironically means we have the least amount of bandwidth. Someone sends a forwarded email with an animated gif and it slows things down to a crawl. It's ridonkulous.

June 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJim Randolph

Hi Jim,

Will your library support an iPhone with a 4G connection with which to Skype? Put the device under a doc cam!

Good luck!


June 5, 2010 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

Hi Doug!!!
Thank you for posting about this: but i think the link to enter the room is wonky (my bad!)
... i had to fix it on the TL Cafe Wiki so if your readers want to get in please have them Google
TL Virtual Cafe - look for the BIG BOLD ENTER ROOM link and they'll be good to go!
TL Cafe Host

June 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentergwyneth jones

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