MAPS Apps - Letter to Students

I have been asked to share documents related to our roll-out of GoogleApps (MAPS Apps) for our students this fall. This is the second. As always, I'd love to hear suggestions for improvement and readers are welcome to use it if they can in their own districts. - Doug
MAPS Apps - Letter to Parents
MAPS Apps - Letter to Teachers
Fall 2010
Dear ISD77 Student:
This fall you will be given a “MAPS Apps” account that will give you access to some exciting and useful online tools. These tools will include:
- an individual e-mail account
- a personal calendar
- a contacts list where you can store names, addresses and telephone numbers
- a word processor and a collection of helpful templates
- a spreadsheet and chart maker
- a presentation program
- a drawing tool
- a storage space for your documents
All of these tools will available through a web browser (like Firefox, Explorer or Netscape Safari) from any computer, anywhere, that is connected to the Internet. You will also be able to share your documents with your teachers and other students within the district. You will be able, with permission, to view and edit others’ work and have others view and edit your work. All tools and files you create will be stored on the Internet rather than on any specific computer or server.
Your library media specialist will be working with you to learn how to use these tools, will be reviewing the district’s policies related to the tools, and will give you your username and password (and help you if you forget them).
Please keep in mind that everyone must use these tools responsibly. This responsible use includes:
- using MAPS Apps for school purposes
- using MAPS Apps in ways that do not bully, harass or make others feel uncomfortable
- using “school appropriate” language and images in all your communications and creations
- respecting the work and privacy of others using the tools
You will find MAPS Apps to be very helpful in your daily work and give you practice using skills that will last a lifetime. Use it wisely and have fun!
Doug Johnson, Director of Media and Technology
Reader Comments (3)
Doug - this letters are what I have been looking for, would you mind if I modified them to fit the classroom level? I just like to ask before actually using someone else's work.
Yikes! I meant Mosaic! ;-)
Hi Harold,
You are more than welcome. Anything on the Blue Skunk is under Creative Commons.