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Thought leaders in school libraryland

In response to my post "Age and Change," Alice Yucht suggested:

Have you seen this: Who are the thought leaders in educational leadership? [by Jon Becker] I think you and Gary Hartzell need to compile a similar article re: school library leadership!

Yeah, get me in trouble, Alice. I just know that I would leave some top notch influencers off the list.

But it may be a good idea, especially if a comprehensive and thoughtful list could be moved to the SIGMS wiki or the T-L Ning - where lots o'people who are better read and better informed than I am could add to it. (I am admittedly weak about international school librarians, academics*, and AASL leaders). I often get asked to suggest good writers and presenters about library related topics. This would be a great resource any of us could just point to when asked such a question.

Whether through books, articles, editorialships, blogs or organizational leadership, these folks have made sustained, public contributions directly addressing school libraries - and influenced MY thinking about the field.

  1. Alice Yucht
  2. Amy Oberts
  3. Anita Beaman
  4. Annette Lamb
  5. Barbara Jansen
  6. Barbara Stripling
  7. Bob Berkowitz
  8. Brenda Anderson
  9. Brian Kenney
  10. Buffy Hamilton
  11. Carl Harvey
  12. Carol Gordon
  13. Carol Kuhlthou
  14. Carol Simpson
  15. Carolyn Foote
  16. Cathy Jo Nelson
  17. Chris Harris
  18. Clarence Fisher
  19. Daniel Callison
  20. David Loertscher
  21. David Warlick
  22. Deb Levitov
  23. Deb Logan
  24. Debbie Abilock
  25. Diane Chen
  26. Diane Cordell
  27. Dianne McKenzie
  28. Donna Baumbach
  29. Doug Achterman
  30. Doug Johnson (somebody else suggested this)
  31. Ernie Cox
  32. Fran Bullington
  33. Frances Jacobson Harris
  34. Gary Hartzell
  35. Gail Dickinson
  36. Gwyneth Jones
  37. Heather Loy
  38. Hilda Weisburg
  39. Jacquie Henry
  40. Jamie LaRue
  41. Jamie McKenzie
  42. Jane Prestebak
  43. Jean Donham
  44. Jeri Hurd
  45. Jim Randolph
  46. John Royce
  47. Joyce Valenza
  48. Judi Moreillon
  49. Judy O'Connell
  50. Karen Kliegman
  51. Kathy Lemaire
  52. Kathy Schrock
  53. Keith Curry Lance
  54. Ken Haycock
  55. Kristin Fontichiaro
  56. Larry Johnson
  57. Laura Pearle
  58. Laurie Conzemius
  59. Leigh Ann Jones
  60. Lesley Farmer
  61. Lisa Perez
  62. Marcia Mardis
  63. Mary Alice Anderson
  64. Mary Ann Bell
  65. Mary Ann Fitzgerald
  66. Mary Woodard
  67. Mike Eisenberg
  68. Nancy Everhart
  69. Nancy McGriff
  70. Nicola McNee
  71. Patricia Carmichael
  72. Rob Darrow
  73. Rob Rubis
  74. Ross Todd
  75. Sandra Hughes-Hassell
  76. Sara Kelly Johns
  77. Shannon Miller
  78. Shelee King George
  79. Stephen Abram
  80. Stephen Krashen
  81. Susan Sedro
  82. Vi Harada
  83. Wendy Stephens

Please add your own "thought leaders" in a comment. Rather than me replying, I'll just update this post.

And I just know I've left people off the list. My apologies in advance.

* Becker's article is worth reading since it speaks of a disconnect between academics and practicioners. Also see An Open Letter to New Professors by J.M. Anderson on the Minding the Campus blog.


Comments on this post are closed. Please see: Thought leaders in school libraryland - the next step

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Reader Comments (40)

Carol Gordon !

August 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary Fran Daley

Thank you, Doug. I am honored to be included in your list.

August 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarb Jansen

Wow, Doug! So honored to have been included on your list. It is such an impressive list of leaders and thinkers that I'm most humbled to be thought of in their company.

Please do make sure to add your name to the list. Your articles, books, presentations, and blog have been most influential in our field to get people thinking about school libraries!


August 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCarl Harvey

I am incredibly honored to be on this list.

Did I miss Diane Chen on this list? (

August 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJacquie Henry

I can not believe I am even on this list--and sandwiched between Joyce Valenza and Jamie McKenzie! I assume these are not in hierarchical order!! : )

Again, and as always, thanks. I am honored, humbled and completely motivated/inspired to get out of my "I want to go home" slump and start some working/thinking for real.

August 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeri Hurd


This is a wonderful list. Not only was I inspired by Annette Lamb in library school, but also Nancy McGriff. She has been a wonderful mentor to me through the years.

Thanks for all you do!

August 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKelly Stanchfield

Annette Lamb and her eduscapes site!!! Still referring to it. Larry Johnson is a pretty good guy too.

August 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRobin Sowder

No links?

August 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEllen Hrebeniuk

Hmm... Perhaps another reason for the disconnect between academics and practitioners?

September 1, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteralice yucht

Wow! I am completely blown away to be mentioned in such illustrious company on a blog that is in the MUST READ section of my Google Reader. Thanks so much!

September 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMary Woodard

YOU should be there! I have been learning from you for years!

September 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBarb Jansen

L e s l e y ... Farmer
spelling counts!

September 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Moore

While not a school librarian per se, I'd include Clarence Fisher. He definitely has a good grasp on information literacy.

September 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilarie Mukavitz

Jamie LaRue

September 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter@AspenWalker

I'm honored to be on your list!

I particularly enjoyed your focus on "sustained, public contributions". Whether you're a beginning school librarian or have been in the profession for many years, we can all learn from each other. New professionals bring fresh perspectives while veterans mix their years of experience with emerging ideas. It's this blending of viewpoints that makes the public access websites such an important resource.

September 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnnette Lamb

Hi all,
I am a new assistant prof at Rutgers and this fall and I am teaching a class called Learning Theory, Media and the Curriculum. One of my course assignments for the school library students in the program is to do a multimedia project that asks them to research, describe, and analyze a chosen project-based educational intervention involving technology. I ask students to:

a) describe the innovative educational technology / curricular program
b) cite any research that has been done evaluating the program's effectiveness
c) analyze this program themselves, for its possible application within the school library setting of the future.

I am new to the specialized area of school libraries; my background is in ed-tech more broadly, so I currently have a list of projects including 5th Dimension, Intel Computer Clubhouse, Scratch, Logo, Alice, Globaloria, LIFE Center, GlobalKids, Digital Youth, ETC.

I know that for instance Annette Lamb and David Warlick also have developed curriculum/technologies that fit in well to this assignment.

Who else from the Top Researchers list should I include as options for the assignment, and what is the name of their program? I will research them myself and offer them as potentials to my students for analysis.

I would greatly value any suggestions anyone might have time to provide! Thank you so much for your expert insights to help out a school librarianship newbie. . .

September 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca Reynolds

Wow - thanks for the mention on this list and I am very happy to be able to help people think about what they do, as much as others help me to think about what I do - they raise the bar and I try to keep up - scrambling most of the time ...

One person who has also been an influence in another environment is John Royce. He works in Istanbul, and is a strong advocate and worker for school librarians in International schools across Europe and Asia. His blog is here -,and his sustained input on the ECIS iskoodle listerve is always an inspiration!

Together we learn from each other!

September 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDianne McKenzie

Yikes! How did we leave out Brian Kenney?

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteralice yucht

Because we'll never hear it from her - Jane Prestebak. Her work on things like the Research Project Calculator (, Minnesota's Information and Technology Literacy Standards ( and AASL's 2010 School Librarian job description ( ) are just a few examples of the excellence to which she holds professionally.

September 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDawn Nelson

Wow! Honored and awed to be up there. Thanks!!

Some favourite names up there,

I don't see Kathy Schrock listed - I'd also suggest Kathy Lemaire, who did so much for British school librarianship during her tenure at the School Library Association.

One name not there and never will be now, the late Anne Clyde. Unless you're going to start a Blue Plaque list, Doug?


September 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Royce

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