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Thought leaders in school libraryland - the next step

OK, dear readers, you've been generous in identifying those in our profession who you consider "thought leaders."

But your job is not complete.

The list in and of itself is not terribly useful. As Ellen Hrebeniuk wrote, 'Where are the links?"

In order to sharpen this list a bit, I'll challenge you to go to this open wikipage <> and add links to these thought leaders influential works.

The links may be to blogs, books, webpages, articles or anything that you think qualifies the person as making "sustained, public contributions directly addressing school libraries." Let's keep it to, say, three references per individual.

I'll do the first one for ya...

Joyce Valenza

Easy, cheesy.

Again, this is an open wiki page - no log in should be required. Please use responsibly.

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Reader Comments (1)

Jean Donham

Curriculum Vitae:

Jean Donham is an Associate Professor in School Library Studies. Dr. Donham served as school librarian and coordinator of school library media and technology programs for the Iowa City Community Schools for 19 years. She held a faculty position at the University of Iowa School of Library and Information Science where she was tenured in 1999. She was director of the library at Cornell College in Mount Vernon for nine years. Tenured in 2010, she is entering her second year on the faculty of the School Library Studies Program at UNI. Dr. Donham teaches School Library Administration, Library Curriculum Development, Library Resources for Children, Introduction to School Library Studies, and Research Methods.

She is author of Enhancing Teaching and Learning; A Leadership Guide for School Library Media Specialists, published by Neal Schuman, 2008. She was a member of the National Library Power Evaluation Team visiting schools in Lewisville, Colorado, and Chattanooga, Tennessee, to observe and document changes resulting from the Library Power Initiative. She has served on nine ALA Accreditation Panels for Schools of Library & Information Science. In addition, she has published numerous articles and is a frequent presenter at conferences and institutes.

September 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarcia Jensen

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