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Calling Al Bell fans!

This just in (Feb 2012):

Hi Doug:

Just heard from a classmate this morning that there is one being planned for September.  Date and details not available as yet, but here is the website:

I only live about 75 miles away so I hope to attend.


Probably the least expected reaction I've ever received was from a post was about Al Bell - a fellow who traveled to schools to give "assembly" programs back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s.  Little did I know that I had created the only reference to Mr. Bell on the web at the time. 172 responses, a call from the Des Moines Register and a Facebook fan group resulted.

Now here is the latest, from his daughter, Becky:

Hello Everyone!

My family and I are so touched by the outpouring of support and enthusiasm from all our Facebook friends. In order to rescue all 30 (16 millimeter) films in our dad's library of movies from around the world, we are asking for your help with the restoration of these films to DVD. (It will take about $4,000.) Thus, we are announcing the first ever Al Bell Film Festival on Sunday, September 12 at the Saints Center in Stuart, Iowa from noon to 6pm. Tickets are a suggested donation of $10, and we will feature four films that were my dad's favorites. My sister Rhea, brothers Allen and Doug and I will bring some fun memorabilia of our folks' many trips, plus answering questions and sharing memories

Please click on the (donate) button that appears on this Facebook page here, and help get the ball rolling! Even if you can't make it, please send a donation to honor our parents vision of educating people on the importance of travel. We hope to make this an annual event! Thank you! See you in September!

Fellow Al Bell fans, let's donate and spread the word. I have the Al Bell Film Festival on my calendar and I hope you all do as well.

Oh, I think we should all wear a hat from another country in Al's memory.



I think Liz Gilman of Gilman Media is going to produce the DVD’s.  I’m going to email her to find out what they cost, and which trips they have movies for this event…(I think 4 trips have been transferred to DVD so far).  Her email is:

The (2010) event is sold out.

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Reader Comments (11)

Doug-I will see you in September! And I will find a hat to wear!

August 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShaune (Detrich) Haas

It is funny how things like this trigger childhood memories - after reading your original post we were discussing how every morning everyone in our elementary school stopped and exercised to the "Chicken Fat" song as it was pumped over the loudspeakers. When I mentioned this song the other day to someone my (advanced) age they looked at me like I had 3 heads! I just assumed everyone did it. Turns out the song was dubbed the "Youth Fitness Song" and was penned by Meredith Wilson and sung by Robert Preston (both of The Music Man fame). I miss this time of innocence when we crouched under our desks and covered our heads in the fall-out shelter (the school basement) to survive the "big" one -- laughing now knowing that I would have been wiped off the planet as our school was only 15 minutes as the crow flies from the US Capitol and White House.

Thanks for the story of Al Bell and for keeping this time of innocence alive.

August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJay Bansbach

Thanks, Jay. Now I have an earworm. Hadn't thought of that song for years!

Go, chicken fat, go!


August 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

How well I remember being ushered in to the HUGE (I thought as a first grader) auditorium of the Decorah High School to hear my first Al Bell show - I don't think movies were involved yet at that time--just artifacts and talking. For years I always thought that Al Bell showed up unannounced and at random and only in Decorah, as our teachers never made advanced announcements of his appearance -- just herded us into the auditorium periodically for a great surprise. Every year more sophistication and technology was involved. I remember the year he showed a movie of whales fighting off the coast of Alaska and told us that it was the only film documented whale fight in existance at the time.
When I transferred to a new school in seventh grade, how happy I was to find in the midst of the scary adjustment to everything new to me, that Al Bell did, in fact, visit many schools in Iowa and he showed up at Gilbert Consolidated too!

August 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMargot Bannister

Hey Doug,

What a great idea! This event will be a wonderful nostalgia trip for everyone. Sorry I can't make it, and it's sold out anyway.

I was wondering which films will be shown, and which films are they going to move to DVD? Can I purchase a copy to be sent to Dallas?

Do you have Becky's contact information?

Thanks. Don Eggspuehler

September 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDon Eggspuehler

Hi Don,

I don't think I have Becky's contact information but I am planning to attend the event and will share on the blog what I learn about getting copies of the films.

All the best,


September 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

I would like to buy a copy of the DVD's. Any chance they will be sold on Amazon??

September 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRyan

I would be happy to donate some money for the restoration and distribution of his films. Where do I send the money?

September 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn D

My schoolmates from Griswold, IA are really pumped up about this. Hope I can get to the film festival this year.

February 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKristi

Hi Kristi,

Do you know if another Al Bell film festival is being planned?


February 11, 2012 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

This just in (Feb 2012):

Hi Doug:

Just heard from a classmate this morning that there is one being planned for September. Date and details not available as yet, but here is the website:

I only live about 75 miles away so I hope to attend.


February 11, 2012 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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