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« Danielson's Framework and Tech: Domain 2 | Main | Can a big helping of passion improve learning? »

Danielson's Framework and Tech: Domain 1

Charlotte Danielson in her book Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching organizes effective teaching practices into four domains each with several sub-domains. I've added below some possible areas regarding teacher technology use as it impacts and improves teacher performance in each area. (See Framework for Teaching  - and Technology)

Domain 1:  Planning and Preparation

  • Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy
  • Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
  • Setting Instructional Outcomes
  • Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
  • Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessments

Technology-related competencies in this area.

  1. Teacher uses online resources, including professional social networking sites, to stay current on the latest research and best practices in his/her field.
  2. Teacher is aware of the characteristics of "net generation" learners and their relationship with technology and its uses. Teacher uses this information in using technology in the classroom to design engaging activities.
  3. The teacher determines the technology skill level of students, knows the expected competencies for productivity and research, and finds means of remediation of individual students when needed.
  4. Teacher uses adaptive and adoptive technologies with special needs students. 
  5. Teacher establishes appropriate goals for technology applications for students.
  6. Teacher knows, accesses and uses digital resources provided by the state and district, including productivity tools, online teaching/reference materials, and textbook supplemental materials. Teacher uses other digital materials available online outside the district that support student learning.
  7. Teacher designs learning activities that use the technology resources available.
  8. Teacher uses online resources to provide instructional materials at differing levels and subjects to meet individual student abilities, needs and interests.
  9. Student work assessment criteria includes qualitative indicators of effective technology production.

What's missing? What doesn't fit? I suspect these could be easily put into rubric form and made more individualized by district.

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Reader Comments (6)

"The teacher determines the technology skill level of students, knows the expected competencies for productivity and research, and finds means of remediation of individual students when needed."

I don't know many teachers than can do this on their own. They should be able to, but...

February 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJ.

Hi J.,

But we ask them to assess the reading, writing and computational abilities of all kids.


February 4, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

Doug - I have thought back to this many times in the past couple of months since you posted it. In our planning we've actually been working at the frameworks from the opposite direction - looking at what we are already doing and categorizing it into Danielson's frames. Being new to them, I suppose this is our exercise in learning where we are on/off target.

I happen to be working with a school at the moment who will be seeing Danielson's frameworks for the first time in the coming year. I'm just thinking outloud here, but I think I will (using your work here as a guide) categorize tech related examples in the frames and ask them to commit to two of them for the year. Two that will stretch their current practice, but not unrecognizably or terribly inconveniently.

We'll see. Thanks for your efforts - just wanted you top know that I appreciate it even when i don't get around to commenting!

April 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChris

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your kind words. You project sounds very practical. I am convinced we are better off trying to do continuous small things that attempt a huge leap.

All the best,


April 1, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

I am thankful I remembered your work on this! Happen to be in a meeting right now that this came up. Glad I remembered it as a resource....

November 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJen Hegna

Always nice to know when something's been helpful. Have a great Thanksgiving and we'll see you at TIES!


November 21, 2013 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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