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The reading pig

I rarely have my photo taken with celebrities, but I couldn't resist posing with the Reading Pig here at the Virginia Educational Media Association conference in Richmond. I can only hope the LWW is not too jealous.

John Pederson, eat your heart out.

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Reader Comments (7)

I was going to write a caption for this pic, but its just too easy ;)

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJ.


November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Pederson

Whoa, you sure know how to pick 'em, Doug.

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBill

Awesome! I never knew there was a reading pig!

Thanks for coming to speak at Library Leadership Academy in Newark, NY last week. I enjoyed listening to you.

November 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPriscilla

Hmmmmm, now I feel a little odd about eating ham sandwiches!

Thanks for the comments from my "friends!"


November 21, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

So glad you got to meet Farmer Minor and Babe....I hope they enjoyed your presentation as much as the rest of us did. One of the best things a speaker can do is to make the audience think, and you did a fine job of that...

November 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCharlie Makela

Hi Charlie,

Thanks so much for your note. I sincerely mean it when I say that the best thing a teacher (or presenter) can do is present a problem in such a way that the learner is compelled to solve it.

I so appreciated the Virginia hospitality at the conference. You have a great group of people.


November 21, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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