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Why you should take a job nobody else wants

I always get a chuckle when I show this "inspirational" poster:

Why might your principal regret cutting your library position? Might it be because she/he now has to find another teacher to do some tasks that it's hard to get others to do? Such as:

  • Webmaster
  • Test proctor
  • Parent newsletter editor
  • Sponsor of ____________ club or activity
  • The United Way staff organizer
  • Keeper of the passwords
  • PTO liaison
  • Gifted and Talented coordinator
  • And ....

In any school there are jobs that nobody wants. That are outside of one's regular job description. That are a pain in the ass. Unless I was 100% sure of my job or I didn't care if the next round of budget cuts would impact my position, I would not just take on such jobs, I would seek them out.

Why? Budget reductions are always about choices. Cut librarian or cut the music teacher. Cut the librarian or cut the textbook budget. Cut the librarian or raise class sizes.

Here's the thing. Your boss should pause for a very, very long time before cutting you if it means finding some other teacher to take on the jobs nobody wants. It's not noble. It's not ideologically pure. It may not even be professional.

But it's practical.

If nothing else if you do get cut, you will have the satisfaction of knowing the idiot who did it will be suffering as well.


Oh, for regular readers, our district tech levy passed by a 2-1 margin and with all 10 precincts voting in favor. No increase in funding, but no cuts either. Yeah!

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Reader Comments (4)

Tech troubleshooter
Staff meeting hostess
Building tech lead, the year they took the stipend away
Polly Positive post writer for school news blog..

November 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBeth Redford

Common Core guru,
laminating dude,
the who knows _______ answer guy/gal,
citation expert

November 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTom Gross

Test coordinator
Tech contact
Hospitality chairperson
PR person
Speech writer
TV Announcements
Chess Club sponsor

November 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDeanna

Good suggestions all. Just make sure the jobs are valued by the principal and teachers.


November 12, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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