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BFTP: Flattening world

I received these two e-mails less than a week apart in March 2006:

respected sir,

we are organising a small book fair at pathsala, a
little village in india. we are publishing your
article 'The Future of Books' from the website in the
souvenir as we saw that "permission to use this column
for non-profit use is freely given". This letter is
for your kind intimation about it.

congratulating you for writing such a beautifull
article and your ideas which are expressed so

for editorial board,
UDAYAN BOOK FAIR (Original post)


Dear Mr Johnson, Please can you kindly allow me to use the 'Internet Prayer' on your website?
I edit a law library newsletter, the OSALL (Organisation of South African Law Libraries) Newsletter, and our readers would enjoy this prayer, as we use the internet a lot. I would acknowledge the source.
I have attached the last newsletter, for your interest.
Yours sincerely,
Assistant Librarian
SOUTH AFRICA (Original post)

I need to do a better job remembering that I have an international audience and am a citizen of not just Minnesota, of not just the United States, but of the world, when I write. As e-mails like this remind me. And as the Clustmaps data (shown in the graphic on the left side of the blog's homepage) indicates.*

When I was a little boy growing up on the Iowa prairie in the 50s, exotic vacations involved other states or the wilds of Canada and its fishing lake, not other countries. I was 32 years old when I first flew internationally - and that was to work, not study or vacation. Multi-culturalism in my hometown mean that we Swedes had to respect the Germans, Norwegians and Irish living among us.

But this weekend I am happily preparing to work with South American educators at the AASSA conference in Campinas, Brazil, the end of this month. And I am really excited! A new country, a new language, and new POV about schools and libraries. Make the world flat as a pancake or tortilla or lefse or chapati or whatever as far as I'm concerned.

* Current Country Totals From 8 Jan 2011 to 7 Mar 2011

United States (US) 19,287
Canada (CA) 1,629
United Kingdom (GB) 1,621
India (IN) 1,434
Australia (AU) 616
Philippines (PH) 481
Pakistan (PK) 354
Germany (DE) 316
France (FR) 267
Netherlands (NL) 172
Malaysia (MY) 167
Singapore (SG) 156
Spain (ES) 131
Greece (GR) 120
Indonesia (ID) 119
Italy (IT) 112
China (CN) 109
United Arab Emirates (AE) 109
South Africa (ZA) 105
New Zealand (NZ) 105
Mexico (MX) 92
Taiwan (TW) 91
Sweden (SE) 85
Poland (PL) 84
Japan (JP) 82
Romania (RO) 81
Sri Lanka (LK) 81
Brazil (BR) 80
Ireland (IE) 79
Korea, Republic of (KR) 76
Turkey (TR) 74
Hong Kong (HK) 64
Norway (NO) 64
Thailand (TH) 64
Israel (IL) 62
Egypt (EG) 60
Finland (FI) 58
Saudi Arabia (SA) 58
Belgium (BE) 57
Portugal (PT) 56
Hungary (HU) 52
Serbia (RS) 51
Czech Republic (CZ) 51
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) 49
Bulgaria (BG) 47
Denmark (DK) 46
Slovakia (SK) 42
Russian Federation (RU) 41
Colombia (CO) 41
Croatia (HR) 39
Europe (EU) 38
Ukraine (UA) 38
Latvia (LV) 35
Trinidad and Tobago (TT) 32
Austria (AT) 32
Slovenia (SI) 31
Switzerland (CH) 31
Argentina (AR) 29
Vietnam (VN) 28
Estonia (EE) 27
Kenya (KE) 26
Iceland (IS) 26
Bangladesh (BD) 26
Lithuania (LT) 25
Lebanon (LB) 24
Jordan (JO) 23
Malta (MT) 22
Kuwait (KW) 21
Nigeria (NG) 20
Maldives (MV) 20
Georgia (GE) 18
Puerto Rico (PR) 18
Jamaica (JM) 17
Costa Rica (CR) 15
Bahrain (BH) 15
Mauritius (MU) 15
Chile (CL) 15
Tunisia (TN) 15
Cyprus (CY) 14
Cambodia (KH) 14
Qatar (QA) 13
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) 13
Albania (AL) 12
Morocco (MA) 11
Macedonia (MK) 11
Algeria (DZ) 11
Venezuela (VE) 11
Oman (OM) 9
Honduras (HN) 9
Brunei Darussalam (BN) 8
Peru (PE) 8
Moldova, Republic of (MD) 8
Belarus (BY) 7
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) 7
Senegal (SN) 7
Dominican Republic (DO) 7
Palestinian Territory (PS) 7
Ecuador (EC) 7
Namibia (NA) 6
El Salvador (SV) 6
Panama (PA) 6
Ethiopia (ET) 6
Guatemala (GT) 6
Syrian Arab Republic (SY) 6
Azerbaijan (AZ) 5
Armenia (AM) 5
Iraq (IQ) 5
Botswana (BW) 4
Uganda (UG) 4
Barbados (BB) 4
Guam (GU) 4
Monaco (MC) 4
Bahamas (BS) 4
Luxembourg (LU) 4
Kazakstan (KZ) 4
Sudan (SD) 4
Ghana (GH) 4
Isle of Man (IM) 3
Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) 3
Nepal (NP) 3
Guyana (GY) 3
Papua New Guinea (PG) 3
Asia/Pacific Region (AP) 3
Montenegro (ME) 3
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY) 3
Afghanistan (AF) 3
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN) 2
Mongolia (MN) 2 (Hi, Jeri!)
Northern Mariana Islands (MP) 2
Guernsey (GG) 2
Bolivia (BO) 2
Bermuda (BM) 2
Yemen (YE) 2
Reunion (RE) 2
Dominica (DM) 2
New Caledonia (NC) 2
Guadeloupe (GP) 2
Anguilla (AI) 1
Seychelles (SC) 1
Cayman Islands (KY) 1
Macau (MO) 1
Cote D'Ivoire (CI) 1
Belize (BZ) 1
Suriname (SR) 1
Uzbekistan (UZ) 1
Jersey (JE) 1
Netherlands Antilles (AN) 1
Nicaragua (NI) 1
Burkina Faso (BF) 1
Aruba (AW) 1
Saint Lucia (LC) 1
Guinea (GN) 1
Micronesia, Federated States of (FM) 1
Malawi (MW) 1
Mozambique (MZ) 1
Benin (BJ) 1

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Reader Comments (5)

Such a cool thing to see isn't it? I have a regular reader in Australia, and a couple from Canada.

I will try to keep in mind that this is a global venue, thanks for this post!

March 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndrea Ange

I assume that the person who is accessing your site from Malawi is the student who graduated from our library program last year and is working to start a program for school libraries. Your postings came up often in class!

March 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFloyd Pentlin

Hi Andrea,

It's very cool, but also a little frightening that we represent our nation! I'll try to be on MY best behavior.


Hi Floyd,

Your student may be my Malawi reader. I also spoke at a regional conference in Nairobi last fall and perhaps got the word out that way>

All the best,


March 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

Hi Doug, I'm the high school principal at Graded, The American School of Sao Paulo and we're looking forward to having you here in Brazil at the end of the month. We're working hard to move the school into the future and our librarians and IT folks are working hard to align their efforts supporting student learning. Hoping that the conference will give us a boost. Have a safe trip and see you in Campinas.

March 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlair Peterson

Hi Blair,

Thanks for your message. I am really looking forward to this trip. This will be my first time in Brazil so I am spending just a few days in Rio before heading to the conference. I had a great time in Santiago with AASSA a few years ago and international conferences in general are great.

See you soon,


March 19, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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