Humility: the hidden learning requirement

I learned two related facts this week. First, from Savage Chickens (a vital part of my PLN), I learned the 4th of May is Star Wars Day.
And a related factoid I learned from a first grader while visiting one of our media centers. When I wished him a Happy Star Wars day, he asked me if I knew why it was Star Wars day.
I had no idea.
"May the 4th ... be with you," he replied with a smile.
I've often made the prediction that a vital skill for today's educator is the ability to consider oneself a "co-learner" with one's students. But to be a "co-learner" requires a pretty large degree of humility.
"I don't know. Show me how," might be the six smartest words anyone can say.
And remember to embrace your inner confusion.
Reader Comments (5)
What an inspiring entry. That reminder is crucial: co-learning is powerful. Too many of just want a right answer to move the lesson along and leave and leave a trail of confusion and shallow learning behind. Your reminder to let kids be teachers & experts is valuable.
Right on ! The best teachers I've seen all see themselves as learners first.
Also a good reminder that pop culture is a great tool for endearing yourself to students. If they think you care about them and don't trivialize their interests, they will run through walls for you.
Too many times I've heard teachers say to a child, "I don't know what that is, guess I'm too old". That attempt at humor simply drives a wedge between you and the student.
Thanks for the kind words, Peg. I find the older I get, the less I seem to know!
Hi Tim,
I wonder how many teachers (make that adults) have forgotten just how much FUN and fulfilling learning can be too.
Hi J,
Just heard a college professor talk about how she teaches library stuff using Jersey Shores as a touch-stone. The college kids ate it up!
If you are too old to learn, you're also too damn old to teach. Period.
Humility is that trait of human being that work wonders to get success.