Not your mother's library school

This came through LM_Net not long ago:
Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science Continuing Education
July 1-31, 2011
-- Presentation 2.0: Web-based Tools for School Library Teachers
-- Technology Grants for Librarians
-- Managing and Growing Youth Services Collections in the Digital Age
-- Instructional Design
-- Zotero: Using and Supporting the Research Power Tool
-- Graphic Novels 101 for Young Readers and Schools
-- Building a School Media Center Web Site
August 1-31, 2011
-- Blogging Across the Curriculum
-- Extending Mobile Library Services with QR Codes
-- School Media Center 2.0
All of our online workshops are asynchronous which means that you can login to them at your convenience.
Now I have no affiliation with Simmons College. I'd never heard of it don't know where it is even located. But I have to say, these course offerings shake my long held faith in the reactionary nature of higher ed.
Are all schools of library information science as cutting edge as Simmons seems to be? Do librarians-in-training at Simmons still get Reference I, Bib of the Humanities, and Cataloging and Classification? Do other schools of education - teaching and administration - offer classes in information technologies either at Simmons or elsewhere?
Oh, and are these Simmons classes being taught by actual professors or by adjuncts?
I'm impressed!
Reader Comments (2)
I don't know about "all" schools of Library Information Science, but our online school library program at Illinois State University includes many of the topics above! Our students also still take Reference and Information Services as well as Organization and Access to Library Materials (Cataloging), but we try to be as cutting edge as we can. We want to make sure we're producing school librarians who know the basics but can also adapt to the changing needs of their students and teachers.
Thanks, Anita. I was hoping to hear from LOTS of schools of IS on this, but you look to be the only one who responded.
See you next week in Philly! I am really looking forward to your part of the Forum.