SIGMSForum: Viva l' Social Media Revolution!

Where will you be able to hear leading library praticioners speaking on topics like this?
Viva La Social Media Revolución! Tough times call for tough measures! Invisible librarians are vulnerable and invisible library programs can be visibly cut. But take heart! This is a dawning era of librarianship - we are now and we always have been educational revolutionaries! Making a few daring digital shifts in your practice & program will show the world that we are vital to vision and future of learning and more indispensable than ever!
Yes, at the SIGMS Forum next Tuesday at the 2011 ISTE Conference.
Despite her prudish nature (note strategically placed iPod in graphic above), library super-star Gwyneth Anne Jones will be one of the five exciting presenters helping us re-define our profession and proclaim: There is no better time!
You need to be registered (free) for this event in order to attend. Bring an administrator. Come prepared to be amazed.
Reader Comments (2)
Prudish? More like prudent!...Didn't want to offend those with delicate sensibilities...That is, until they get into the ballroom at the convention center - then it's raw, uncut, & irreverent in PACC 108, baby! Cause that's how I roll!
~Gwyneth Jones
The Daring and never Prudish Librarian
Did I write "prudish"? Prudent was what I meant, of course. Damn auto-correct!