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Both the challenge and thrill are gone

I brought home a new MacBook Air last evening. It's the same model and size as my 2009 Air but with a faster processor, another USB port, a longer battery life and a lot fewer dents. And then there is that Lion OS thingie that came with it too.

Normally when I get a new computer I schedule almost a day getting files transferred, settings reset, passwords re-entered, software reinstalled and quirky changes cursed. 

So I was surprised when after using the Apple migration assistant and TimeMachine back-up on a little portable harddrive, I was up and running in less than 60 minutes - files, programs and settings all transferred. I tested the video out, USB Ethernet, speakers, remote control, and power supplies that I'd been using with my original Air. Damn - they all just worked. 

The "two finger scrolling" gesture works bass-ackwards in Lion than it did in the last OS, but a quick change in the track pad settings put it back the way it was. (I guess I scroll unnaturally rather than naturally.) 

So now instead of an enjoyable day tweaking, puttering and watching load bars creep across the screen, I have to actually do real work. While I am happy Apple has removed the frustration from updating my computer, the thrill of the new isn't as great either.

I guess I'll need to wait for the bill for that.


Mock up of the cover of my forthcoming book:

There is still a thrill from getting published - in print and by a real publisher. Really. This is due out until early next year, however.

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Reader Comments (5)

Doug, your new book looks interesting and timely. I can't wait for it to come out!

July 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Creighton

Hi Peggy,

As an author, you know the pleasure of seeing your books in print as well. I am looking forward to reading your new book coming out next March too!


July 29, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

Hey, Doug! Congrats on finishing your book. I think last time I commented, we were both laboring over the three millionth edit. I'm happy to say my book is done, as well. It released July 1. :-)

Congrats also on the new computer. I got a MacBook Pro last fall and discovered the wonder of the Time Machine as my old MacBook settings were transferred just as quickly and easily as you described. This was the first time I ever replaced a Mac with a Mac, and I, too, felt a little cheated out of the magic of a new machine. All my passwords were saved, my search history was there...for a second I was like, um, am I on my old computer? Not a good feeling when you've just shelled out a big chunk of change for a new one. That said, it was great not to lose an entire day on getting that stuff done. It makes me want to upgrade even more frequently now because I know how simple it will be... :) The Air is next on my list but I don't think I can justify a new computer for at least another year.

July 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAngela Watson

Hi, Doug--I want that book NOW as I head back to work with a new focus on tech integration. You can be sure I will have it pre-ordered. Thanks for getting it know what needs to be revised next, i know ;-).

August 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSara Kelly Johns

Hi Angela,

Thanks for the comment. It does feel good to get a book done (Well, I have a few little things left!) I wish you great success with Awakened. I sometimes wonder if anyone reads professional books anymore...

For my work, a reliable, fast computer is a necessity. I don't feel guilty about replacing mine every two years. There is always a family member happy to get my old one too!


Hi Sara,

The IL is next on my list. Hope to take a writing break this winter someplace warm and just get it done!


August 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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