You know you are a 21st-century librarian when…

Note: This week I am on a "writing holiday" from my day job. I'm using the time to work on a revision of my 1997 book The Indispensable Librarian. (Personally, I think it is still just fine, but others have asked if we still use Gopher as a search tool in our district.) While I wrote the draft for my last book I took advantage of Blue Skunk readers, using you as a sounding board for my book materials. Consider yourselves so used again. Thank you. – Doug
This list has been around for a few years, but I've updated it to serve as an "interest grabber" at the beginning of a chapter. Can you add to the list?
You know you are a 21st-century librarian when…
- You have to remind kindergarteners to turn off their smart phones before the story starts.
- You know what an IP number is but not an ISBN number.
- You have a student who does a better job troubleshooting the circulation system than the district technician.
- Your students think both The Princess and the Frog and Meet the Robinsons were written by Walt Disney.
- You know more librarians in Texas than you do in your home state because of your Personal Learning Network.
- The best way to remind a student about an overdue book through Facebook.
- You don’t talk in the teachers lounge about a project because it is not tied directly to a state test.
- When answering a reference question, you head to an Internet terminal.
- You’ve started dressing like your avatar.
- Kids look at you funny when you call it the “the card catalog.”
- You have more polo shirts with computer logos than you do book logos - and 25% of your wardrobe comes from vendor booths at conferences.
- Your students want to read the most popular YA lit on their phones.
- Your students show you how to get around the district Internet filter so you can teach a lesson.
- Your aid spends more time troubleshooting the network than reshelving books.
- You never see anyone copy out of the print encyclopedia anymore.
- Your index finger has a callous from tapping the interactive white board.
- You didn’t get your last grad class assignment turned in on time because the network was down.
- You’ve Googled the new teachers in your building - and all the kids have Googled you.
- You don’t remember the last time you’ve had to alphabetize something.
- You have all your passwords and PIN numbers are on your PDA - and you can’t remember the password for your PDA!
Reader Comments (4)
great list!
Loved this post! Found it on Vicki Davis' blog. Although I am no longer working on a campus and was never a librarian, I worked closely with the librarians as an instructional technologist and can absolutely relate to the above statements!
Thanks for sharing this humorous post,
HI Kim,
Thanks for the comment. Maybe you need one of these for IT folks too!
You take a picture of your avatar to your hairdresser, and ask him to cut your hair to look like the avatar!