PLN, no holiday homework, please

Over the past couple days, I've noticed a lovely lack of e-mail and blog postings. OK, the Tweeters are still as rabid as ever, but there's been a lessening of "must-reads" coming over my PLN.
Is it time to call a moritorium on holiday posts, e-mail and blogs related to all things education? Will Pininterest or Linked-In or Google+ really miss us for a couple of weeks? Might a break be good for everyone's mental and physical health?
Homework and especially holiday homework is facing criticism. I've been hearing some discussion about a novel solution to the digital divide - just stop assigning homework, making sure all kids can get any tech-required assignments done in class. As a student, I diligently practiced SHA - selective homework attention - doing those assignements that I enjoyed and blowing off the rest. Hey, and as I tell my kids, I still managed to graduate in the upper 95% of my class!
I'm not necessarily against homework per se, but I am certainly no fan of meaningless homework.
So how about us adult learners? Can we get dispensation from our "homework" until January 7th, please? My valued peers who write must-read posts, cut me a little slack. Thanks.
Signing off for the holidays - lucky you!
Reader Comments (3)
Okay Doug - here's an article that might help you fill in your extra free time: Stacks of books are history at Benilde library
Raises more questions in my mind than it answers, but would be curious to read your reaction.
Happy Holidays!
Hi John,
Interesting article. No library books, but textbooks. Hmmmmm. That wouldn't have been my priority. I wonder if any fiction is being provided online?
Amen! It's great to be up on what is going on, but sometimes you need to put the smartphone down and step away from the laptop. I also wrote about this today as I stepped back into the scores of emails and tweets I missed over the holidays -