Evolutions from ASB - worth reading

I was delighted to see this e-mail from my friend and colleague Shabbi Lutha, Director of Research and Development, and Technology for the American School of Bombay:
Dear friends,
I’m delighted to share with you the first volume of Evolutions: Tech Integration Stories from the American School of Bombay - http://www.asbtechintegrationbook-digital.com/
We hope you will enjoy reading the stories and experiences shared in these chapters. These stories capture some moments in the continuing evolution of ASB’s tech integration.
Enjoy our stories!
Kind regards,
She has graciously made the book public.
This collection of articles written by staff members (primarily classroom teachers) documents the learning experiences the school has experienced as it embarked on its pioneering 1:1 mission. Thoughtful, readable, and genuine, each of the articles I've read so far are well-worth your time - whether in a 1:1 school or not.
Taken as a whole, the book is a tribute to daring teachers, visionary leadership, and the genius needed to make vision a reality.
Thanks, Shabbi and team.
Does it make you wonder what stories YOUR faculty might tell?
The American School of Bombay has also hosted an international 1:1 Laptop Conference on a biannual basis. I was lucky enough to participate in the one in 2010. This e-mail from Shabbi was as good an excuse as any go back and revisit my posts on being a tourist in Mumbai just before the event. (Can it be two years ago already?) Posts are here, here, here, and here.
Funny how the places you were convinced you'd hate, turn out to be the places you love the most.
Reader Comments (2)
Hey Doug:
Small world time -I am excited to share with you that my wife and I just signed contracts to go to work at ASB in Mumbai for the next 2 years !
I will be starting as the Secondary Librarian in August. They were looking for a librarian with technology interests - I was looking to get back in the library/technology integration and teaching business after being in administration and association management. I look forward to seeing you at MACUL !
Congratulations. You're joining a great school and will have wonderful adventures in India. I'm jealous.
I think it is inactive now that the author(s) are back, but check out past posting of the From Brainerd to Bombay blog <http://brainerdtobombay.blogspot.com/> I think you'd find them interesting.
Good luck and let me know things go!