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It's official: I'm certifiable.

I can't say this was the most meaningful education experience I've ever had. (See Multiple guess tests.) You'd think Google could afford to hire someone with educational experience and vision.


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Reader Comments (5)

When should I expect the party invitation?

March 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

Congratulations, Doug! Google Apps has (have?) transformed many aspects of teaching and learning in my school district.

I also want to add a comment about your previous post, which was about keyboarding. In my district we decided to include keyboarding standards and benchmarks in our new TILS (Technology & Information Literacy Standards) because it's still the principal means of information input when using computers, since voice recognition and other methods are not yet accurate enough. We were also finding that students who do not have access to computers at home on which to learn and practice keyboarding on their own were falling behind their peers, creating an equity issue and reinforcing the importance of including it in our curriculum in grades 3 through 6. Interestingly, I recently came across three articles that include keyboarding among "essential skills":

Donna A.

March 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDonna Adams

Hi Donna,

Thanks for the keyboarding sources. I posted them as an addendum to the original keyboard post (giving you credit.)


March 3, 2012 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

Oh they grow up so fast. Congrats on your accomplishment, Doug. You going to have your wife take your picture holding it in front of the fireplace?

JK. I knew you were certifiable a long time ago.

March 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJ.

Hi J,

I'll probably just put it on the refrigerator with the other good papers I've wrote.


March 4, 2012 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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