Humbling experiences

There is nothing like an author book signing at a conference to induce humility.
While the children and YA author's have lines a mile long, those of us who write professional books are not so popular. In fact we are usually sort of lonely and embarrassed.
Being reminded that one is not the center of the universe a very good thing.
What humbles you?

People lining up to have a a book signed - not by me.
Reader Comments (6)
I would stand in line to have you sign one of your books for me anytime Doug! :-)
I bought your book at Common Ground in Baltimore; I attended several of your sessions. Had I known that you would have autographed my book I would have definitely asked.
I've so been there. Posted what I think is the most incredible blog post ever to see that 2 people viewed it, one of which was me to check formatting.
Thanks, Mary. I'd stand in line for you as well.
Hi Courtnay,
Thanks for buying the book and attending the sessions. I think most authors are very flattered to be asked to sign their books and don't mind doing so any time.
Next conference!!!!
Hi J,
You just never know.
What humbles me? My wife's food blog, which proves to me that when readers can choose between ed tech and eating really well, there is absolutely no contest at all.
Isn't it a wife's job to keep her husband humble? I know mine does a good job!