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The final TOC for Indispensable Librarian 2nd Ed

The manuscript goes in tomorrow. All 104,236 words, 16 images, and 310 pages, the first draft of The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd edition is done - on deadline. Whew. Here is the final Table of Contents. I'm afraid at this point I have no idea of the publishing timeline, only that it will be an ABC/CLIO imprint.

Thank you, readers, for your comments and suggestions as bits and piece appear on the blog. 

Now what will I do with all my spare time?

Indispensable Librarian, 2nd edition

Table of Contents 

Author biography

Acknowledgements and dedication

Foreword: You have to be mad by Joyce Kasman Valenza

Introduction to the second edition

Chapter One: The Roles and Missions of the Librarian


  • The Virtual Librarian
  • What are the challenges facing our profession?
  • Seven ways for librarians remain relevant in a ubiquitous information environment full of NetGen learners
  • Do school librarians have "enduring values?"
  • Sample mission statement and the elevator speech
  • Why are you in the profession anyway?
  • Sidebar: The Mankato Transition: A case study


Chapter Two: Program Assessment


  • Creating long-term change
  • How will you show your program is impacting student achievement?
  • Why assess your program?
  • The formal library assessment
  • On-going assessments
  • Context and focus
  • A 12 point library program checklist for principals
  • Sidebar: Linking libraries and reading achievement


Chapter Three: Planning


  • Critical elements of a library/technology plan
  • The planning process
  • Using goal setting to help in professional evaluations
  • Sidebar: Twenty plus years of working with advisory groups - what I've learned.


Chapter Four: Communications and Advocacy


  • What are the components of an effective communications program?
  • Speaking where people are listening
  • Can a good library program be a marketing tool for your school?
  • What are the basic rules of effective advocacy?
  • Sidebar: What is transparency and why is it critical to the librarian’s success?


Chapter Five: Managing Others and Collaboration


  • Working with the library support staff.
  • Working with the technology department
  • Working with the teaching staff: the fundamentals of successful collaboration
  • Sidebar: What is the secret to successful supervision?


Chapter Six: Managing Digital Resources


  • You know you are a 21st century librarian when…
  • How has the library’s role changed regarding with information and books going digital?
  • What is cloud computing and how can librarians take advantage of it?
  • Sidebar: E-books and libraries


Chapter Seven: Curriculum


  • What is the library program’s role in developing “21st century skills?”
  • What are the best student skill standards? What do they have in common?
  • What are the components of a meaningful information literacy and technology curriculum?
  • Building an information/technology literacy curriculum
  • Elements of projects that motivate
  • What new skills are needed to survive the information jungle?
  • How can librarians support the development of “right brain” skills?
  • Sidebar: What does a library for a postliterate society look like?


Chapter Eight: Budget


  • Budgeting as a library ethic
  • Ten strategies of effective library budgeters
  • Good purchasing strategies
  • Sidebar: Weed


Chapter Nine: Facilities


  • Why should I go to the library when the library will come to me?
  • The fundamentals of good school library design and why they are still important
  • 10 common design pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • Sidebar: Are there schools that don’t need a library?


Chapter Ten: Digital Intellectual Freedom


  • Freedom to learn
  • Maintaining intellectual freedom in a filtered world
  •  Best practices for meeting CIPA requirements
  • Seven myths about Internet filters
  • Sidebar: Getting websites unblocked


Chapter Eleven: The Library’s Role in Ethics


  • How has technology impacted ethical behavior?
  • Knowing right from wrong in the digital age
  • Sidebar: Guidelines for educators using social and educational networking sites 


Chapter Twelve: Copyright and Creative Commons


  • Make a copyright u-turn and other audacious statements about copyright
  • Creative Commons and why it should be more commonly understood
  • Sidebar: Why students (and adults) satisfice


Chapter Thirteen: Staff Development


  • The why, what, and who of staff development in technology and librarian’s role 
  • Just in case, just in time, just in part - differentiated instruction in technology for teachers
  • Sidebar: Top ten ways to increase your technology skills and knowledge (and the secret to being perceived as a technology guru)


Chapter Fourteen: Surviving Professional Transitions


  • You know you’re a 21st century librarian when…
  • Personal Learning Networks – why you can’t afford to wait for the next conference
  • Finding the time
  • When your job is on the line...
  • Sidebar: Prevention


Chapter Fifteen: Libraries and the Future


  • A mindset list for librarians
  • Miles’s library: A vision for school libraries
  • Sidebar: Prognostications


Afterword: A Day of Ordinary Library Miracles

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Reader Comments (5)

Congratulations!!! Two in one year!!!!!!!!!

May 29, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterskip zalneraitis

Congratulations Doug! I'm so pleased that you decided to do a new edition.

May 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary M

Sign me up. This is totally going on my wish list.

May 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNicole

Thanks, Skip. Actually it's one published and one written this year. I don't look to see this new book in print until 2013. But you never know. Thanks for the note.


Thanks, Mary. As always, your comments were indispensable as well!


Thanks, Nicole.


May 30, 2012 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

When will this 2nd ed. be available? In time for the course I teach this Fall?

June 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNancy A

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