Digital Rights

From Boing Boing (via Stephen's Lighthouse)"
Digital Bill of Rights
The two reps who led the Congressional fight against SOPA have unveiled a draft bill of rights for the Internet. Reps Darryl Issa and Ron Wyden unveiled their proposal at Personal Democracy Forum, and invite the Internet to edit and refine the list on Keep the Web Open.
1. The right to a free and uncensored Internet.
2. The right to an open, unobstructed Internet.
3. The right to equality on the Internet.
4. The right to gather and participate in online activities.
5. The right to create and collaborate on the Internet.
6. The right to freely share their ideas.
7. The right to access the Internet equally, regardless of who they are or where they are.
8. The right to freely associate on the Internet.
9. The right to privacy on the Internet.
10. The right to benefit from what they create.
I wonder if this will extend to kids? Certainly doesn't now.
New means of communication are calling for new "rights." This Reader's Bill of Rights for Digital Books from Librarians Against DMR is interesting. And of course, ALA's Freedom to Read Statement needs to be revisited everyone, not just librarians, on a regular basis - the format should be irrelevant to the information it holds. And of course the infamous ...
Seems like over the past dozen years, our fears have outweighted the value we place on rights and freedoms. It's time for the pendulum to start swinging the other direction. How do we make this happen in our schools?
Reader Comments (2)
Your link "Reader's Bill of Rights for Digital Books" is broken. You included part of a reply to another blog post in the link itself so it is resulting in a Page Not Found.
FWIW, I should have just replied here rather than trying to explain it on Twitter. I can use more than 140 characters.
Thanks, Andy. Link is fixed. Good thing I didn't paste in the latest chapter from my porn novel.