History Quiz: Part One

For librarians and technology people who are really smart - or really old.... The answer key on Wednesday.
Part One
Part Two tomorrow..
All banner artwork by Brady Johnson, professional graphic artist.
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For librarians and technology people who are really smart - or really old.... The answer key on Wednesday.
Part One
Part Two tomorrow..
Reader Comments (3)
Ahhhh....Being old means that we can appreciate new technology so much more than those young whipper snappers!! Thank God most of us had vision in things we could neither hear nor see, and kept sending those extra catalog cards in to OCLC because "someday, we will all be able to search each other's catalogs in a great interlibrary loan in the sky." At the risk of sounding like Al Gore - we were there at the birth of the internet!
Or you might say we MADE history.
I am old. Sit by me.