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ASCD Ed Leadership - Power Up columns

A new undertaking for me this year has been writing the "Power Up" column for ASCD's Educational Leadership magazine. I have to tell you, I was a little surprised to be asked to be a columnist for what I consider to be one of the more prestigious and widely-read journals published. No accounting for taste as my mother always says.

The column is a chance to do something I really enjoy: writing about technology in a way that has meaning and connections to school administrators - the primary audience for Educational Leadership. As technology's impact and importance grows in all areas of education, principals, curriculum directors, and superintendents will need to have a greater understanding of the "why's" of technology. My job is not just writing about technology in understandable terms, but also trying to separate the details that may be of interest to us nerds from the bits that really important to school leaders. And of course advocate what I consider are best practices.

Here are my efforts so far: (Thanks, ASCD for making these materials available online!)

If you are a teacher, tech director or librarian, what would YOU like your administrator to know about technology? Perhaps I can help be your voice.

(Links to all my columns and articles can be found on my website.)

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Reader Comments (2)

I think one of the most significant issues of educational technology involves the case for leadership - who needs it? What does that look like? What does it mean to be a principal in today's world? A superintendent?

What should I look for in an ideal technology director? (If I am a superintendent)

What is a solid approach to good planning for new technology?

I have lots of thoughts - most of them aimed at the upper levels of the system or org chart.


January 30, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoel VerDuin

Thanks, Joel. Interesting you write this since on Monday, I just submitted my next column about the change role of the CIO, suggesting the qualities schools should be looking for.


January 31, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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