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First world educational problems

Ever caught yourself complaining:

This (I hope) tongue-in-cheek list, created by Australians Stuart Kearney and Eric Stern and available at <>, started me wondering if a first-world-education-problem list might be needed as well. I'll start...

  • My Smartboard gets constantly out of alignment.
  • I only have a laptop and really need a tablet.
  • My classroom computers don't have the latest OS.
  • YouTube/Facebook/EBay/Grading program/computer is really slow today.
  • I can't get my kids to turn off their smartphones during my lecture.
  • We don't have enough electrical plug-ins in my classroom.
  • My digital textbook isn't interactive.
  • Only one person at a time can download the library's e-books.
  • Wearing a microphone makes my neck sore.
  • Another online test?
  • Sometimes it takes over two hours before someone can look at my tech problem.
  • I have to manually enter each student instead of importing them?
  • There's no specialized app for this website.
  • There are way too many tweeters to follow and blogs to read.
  • It doesn't run Flash.
  • This program is just too complicated to learn.
  • It's a nuisance to keep the kids off Facebook when online.
  • BYOD? Three of my kids don't have a device.
  • It's a pain to keep my online gradebook and webpage current.
  • The battery only lasts six hours.
  • I have 22 kids in my class this year.
  • I have two study halls in my library.
  • My raise was only 2% this year.
  • My health insurance doesn't cover liposuction.

OK, your turn.

I am not big on New Year's resolutions, but if I were to make one it would be simply to be more grateful in 2013. Grateful to live where I live (cold weather and all); grateful to have a job that challenges me; grateful for a healthy and loving family; grateful for having so few real problems that I can indulge in first-world problems now and then.

Happy New Year.

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Reader Comments (4)

I'm going to add a sadder first world problem: we're losing to the third world.

A couple weeks ago I met with an Egyptian colleague (teacher and technologist), who shared that her school's classes average around 24 students, and they have had 1:1 student:computer ratio for years now. While her country is discovering the messiness that accompanies new democracies, they are investing heavily and consciously in K-16 education because, as a nation, they have discovered the link between education and national prosperity energized by open and free-wheeling communication technologies.


January 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBill Storm

HI Bill,

Quite an irony. I wish the importance of education rather than ideology was wide-spread in the Middle East (and elsewhere.)

We certainly have both first and third world schools right within the US as well. I know I forget that myself sometimes.

Always appreciate your comments. Thank you.


January 7, 2013 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

"The huge TV screens that are all over campus never have the information I need."

"My school's 25 MBPS speed is so slow"

January 9, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

Good ones, Kenn.

January 10, 2013 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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