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GoogleApps and teacher transparency - 2

This is part of a series about using GoogleDocs to help teachers be more transparent. The introduction can be found here.

General information:

1.Teacher name and contact information

  • Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as needed
  • Details: Name with preferred salutation (Mr., Mrs., Ms, Dr.); school phone number and extension. E-mail address written as jbrown (at) Home or cell phone if desired. Best times to contact. A personal note of welcome that includes encouragement for parents to contact the teacher if there is a concern or question. Personal information such as college(s) attended and degrees, awards earned, special interests, etc. may be of interest to parents.
  • Links: School and district homepage.
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites

2. Class rules and expectations

  • Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as needed
  • Details: Policies on classroom behavior, homework, and extra-credit assignments. Grading philosophy. When carefully articulated and agreed upon by parents and students as reasonable, this information can reduce misunderstandings during the year.
  • Links: Student handbook/parent handbook
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites or GoogleDoc that allows comments

 3. Calendar

  • Schedule for updating: Weekly (depending on use). Check link to district and building calendar annually.
  • Details: If not duplicating an existing calendar, show: beginning and end dates of school; quarter and semester end dates; holidays and breaks; and other days students not in school. Events and activities should be shown as far in advance as possible: athletic events, open houses, field trips, book fairs, assembly programs, science fair, testing dates, etc.)
  • Links: Building and/or disrict calendar
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleCalendar embedded in a GoogleSite

4. Supply list

  • Schedule for updating: Annually
  • Details: Papers, pencils, pens, drawing supplies, paper, gym shoes, calculators, etc. Suggested features and functions of a device that works with the district BYOD program. Policy on how these items can be obtained if parents cannot afford them.
  • Links: Building and/or district supply list if available
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleSite or GoogleDoc

5. Field trip or special event information

  • Schedule for updating: As needed
  • Details: Description of field trip including costs and timetable. Downloadable permission form. Call for chaperones. Information about special events - science fairs, guest speakers, etc.
  • Links: Building forms.
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleSite or GoogleDoc. GoogleForm for volunteers.

6. Classroom news

  • Schedule for updating: Monthly/weekly
  • Details: Classroom happenings. Current projects and interests of students. Photos of activities (if parental permission is on file). No last names of students. Must be regularly updated.
  • Links: Building and/or district newsletter
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleSite, GoogleDoc, or Blogger entry.

7. Requests for parent volunteers

  • Schedule for updating: Annual
  • Details: Special classroom needs for volunteers. Guidelines for parent volunteers.
  • Links: Building and/or district volunteering information.
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleSite.

8. Drop folder for student work

  • Schedule for updating: Annual
  • Details: Place link on teacher homepage for easy access.
  • Links: Instructions for use
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleDrive folder.

9. Communication information

  • Schedule for updating: Annual
  • Details: Information about how the school and teacher will communicate with the home. Options available: e-mail list, student information system mailings, voice, text, e-mail and parental preferences. Other communication options such as Facebook fanpage, Twitter, and student information system parent portal.
  • Links: Instructions for use and to other communication tools.
  • GoogleApp tool: GoogleSite.

 Ok, readers - what other "general information" do you share with parents to be more transparent?

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