Carving out responsibility

On a regular basis, I get asked questions like these:
- What is the librarian's role in online learning?
- What is the librarian's role in implementing the Common Core?
- What is the librarian's role in 1:1 and BYOD programs?
- What is the librarian's role in differentiating instruction?
- What is the librarian's role in RtI?
- What is the librarian's role in [insert latest trend, technique, silver bullet, thoughtful initiative, etc]?
There are roles in all these change efforts for the librarian and library program - and I am more than happy to suggest some. But in doing so, I may be making a mistake.
As a profession, each of us need to begin actively carving out our own roles when a new initiative is begun in our schools. We cannot afford to wait to be told what our job is - or just keep doing what we've been doing in hopes nobody notices.
The ability to identify the pieces of a change effort that are we uniquely suited by expertise and resources to do and that make a genuine contribution is the most important skill of today's school librarian.
So this Halloween, don't just carve a pumpkin, carve out a new role or two in your school.
See also: The Entrepreneurial Librarian, LMC, Jan/Feb 2013.
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