GoogleApps and teacher transparency - 3

This is part of a series about using GoogleDocs to help teachers be more transparent. The introduction can be found here.
Unit outlines and timetables
1. List of units taught in each subject area (elementary) or in each class (secondary)
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: A general outline of the major areas the students in the class will be studying.
- Links: To district curriculum site(s)
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
2. State requirements met by class or units
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: If part of a state-mandated curriculum, this reference should be made. Indicate of any testing the state requires to show mastery.
- Links: To state curriculum site(s)
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
3. Projected dates of units beginning and ending.
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Advise parents that these are approximate. “We will be starting our unit on rocks and mineral just after spring break.”
- Links: To classroom calendar, building and/or district calendar
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites or Calendar
4. Major goals (Essential Learner Outcomes) for each unit.
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Simple declarative statements of what the student should know and be able to do. For example: “By the end of this unit, our child should be able to identify the major landmasses on earth and be able to locate the major countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.”
- Links: To district curriculum site(s)
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
5. Samples of major projects from previous years.
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Helps give parents examples of exemplary projects as a quality indicator for their own children’s work.
- Links: To other storage areas in which projects might be stored.
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
Information about specific units and projects
Note: Much of this information may be in your CMS (Moodle, D2L, Blackboard, etc.) and if so, links from your GoogleSite to guest access for parents will be a time saver and reflect the most current versions.
1. Learner outcomes for units
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as needed.
- Details: A detailed list of skills and information that students need to have mastered.
- Links: To district curriculum site(s), your CMS
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
2. Major activities
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Projects, readings, tests, experiments, papers, etc.. Best if linked to assessments (below).
- Links: To district curriculum site(s), your CMS
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
3. Homework assignments and due dates.
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Disclaimer needs to be added for parents that due dates are subject to change. (They might be later, but never earlier.) This could serve in lieu of a lesson plan book.
- Links: To district curriculum site(s), your CMS
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
4. Vocabulary words, spelling lists, number facts, formulas, etc..
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Lists that call for memorization with which parents can help students practice.
- Links: To district curriculum site(s), your CMS
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
5. Assessments/ evaluations for unit and projects
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Checklists and rubrics for major projects can be useful to parents to help the student self-assess work.
- Links: To district curriculum site(s), your CMS
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
6. Online practice tests.
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Practice tests that come with standardized tests or teacher generated tests, created so they can be taken online or printed out.
- Links: To district curriculum site(s), your CMS
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
7. Online resources and webpages
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Online lecture notes and links to readings and teacher-selected resources on the web.
- Links: To district curriculum site(s), your CMS
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
8. Suggested enrichment activities that can be done at home.
- Schedule for updating: Updated annually or as dictated by curricular changes.
- Details: Supplemental reading lists, enrichment activities for highly motivated students, or “fun” family activities that tie into the content of the unit.
- Links: To district curriculum site(s), your CMS
- GoogleApp tool: GoogleSites
Individual student progress reporting
Note: This information is probably part of your student information system, and due to privacy issues, should remain there. A link from your GoogleSites page and instructions on the use of the portal are all that should appear. Do not place data specific to individuals on your GoogleSite page.
1. Online gradebook
- Schedule for updating: Weekly (at minimum)
- Details: Parent (and student) access to scores on daily work, quizzes, tests and projects. Teacher comments on student performance. Data entered by teacher via the web from any machine in any location.
- Links: To student/parent portal of student information system
- GoogleApp tool: N/A
2. Final grades for quarter, semester and year (or equivalent marking period)
- Schedule for updating: Each grading period
- Details: Part of online gradebook.
- Links: To student/parent portal of student information system
- GoogleApp tool: N/A
3. GPA and class ranking.
- Schedule for updating: Automated through student information system
- Details: Of interest to some parents and students. This does not need to be hand entered by the teacher, but should be imported from the school’s student information system.
- Links: To student/parent portal of student information system
- GoogleApp tool: N/A
4. Standardized test results
- Schedule for updating: Automated through student information system
- Details: Of interest to some parents and students. Should be linked to information on how to interpret the scores. Imported from the school’s student information system.
- Links: To student/parent portal of student information system
- GoogleApp tool: N/A
5. Attendance records
- Schedule for updating: Automated through student information system
- Details: Good check for parents of students who may have attendance problems. Imported from the school’s student information system.
- Links: To student/parent portal of student information system
- GoogleApp tool: N/A
Last post in series tomorrow: tips for managing this information - and saving time in the process!
Reader Comments (4)
Thanks for sharing all of this fantastic information, Doug. I shared a few of my classroom applications of Google Apps recently in a post that might interest you: Geeking Out With Google Apps.
Thanks for sharing this Bart, Looks like a great resource. Jeff and Kim do a fantastic job with the Coetail program!
Thanks Bart. I have a friend who is a math teacher and I'm going to share this with him. Look forward to reading the next part.
Excellent post! I think people are only starting to scratch the surface with the ways that online tools can help students (and teachers). As someone who grew up without an online presence in the classroom, it's fascinating to see how much technology changes the game. I love seeing stuff like this.