What tools do you use to maintain your PLN, librarians?

It's the diversity piece that has me curious. I find myself using some tools more and some tools less to learn and connect. Some of my younger, smarter colleagues (oops, I guess that is all of them) seem to be using different tools than those which I like.
Anyway, find below a very short survey of 13 multiple choice questions aimed at librarians and library-related people about the tools used to connect with PLNs. Please take 3 minutes and complete it. I promise a summary will appear on this blog!
The survey can also be accessed here: https://dougjohnson.wikispaces.com/PLN+Tool+Survey
Please share this survey with other librarians! Thanks, Doug
Social Media Heart image courtesy of Kathleen Donovan (kdonovangaddy) under flickr Creative Commons
Reader Comments (8)
Several times I had to choose secondary growing or decreasing when what I really wanted was staying the same. Also, I cover 3 campuses and you didn't have a choice for that one! It might be really telling on your survey to compare those of us who are covering more than one campus and how much we are able to do against those on only one campus.
Hi Jean,
I purposely made people make a choice about whether a tool was getting more or less use from them so I could see trends. Sorry!
If you serve kids and staff at a building level, I would count you as a building librarian regardless of number of buildings served.
Thanks for allowing me to clarify,
Yeah, why no secondary/primary and holding steady?
I found it interesting that I couldn't really decide on one resource as my primary source of information. I, too, wantd to put "staying steady" on a number of my responses, but I understand why you didn't include it. I look forward to seeing the results
Dear Doug,
I apologize for just getting to this now. Guess I missed the opportunity to contribute.
Hi Emily,
No worries. I cut this off at 500 and I was surprised how quickly 500 people responded!
I hope that you will post a copy of the questionnaire along with the results.
Hi Pam,
Good point. I turned the survey back on so people can see the form in the original post.
All the best,