The 6 tech skills expected of all incoming freshmen - three

In 2005, I outlined five skills classroom teachers should expect all incoming high school freshman to have mastered. Eight years ago. Time for an update. I'll look at each skill, one per day, and add a 6th skill area - Managing one's online presence. Each skill is accompanied by a set of expectations, a performance task, and an evaluation checklist. Changes to the 2005 document are in bold.
Multimedia presentation software and digital image handling
I can create a computer-generated slide show (PowerPoint, Keynote, GoogleApps, OpenOffice AppleWorks) that can be used to accompany a presentation I would give in class. I know some basic rules of graphic design that apply when creating the presentation. My slide shows include images (modified clip art, original graphics, scanned images, and photographs), and text fields. The computer generated slides help reinforce or amplify my spoken message. I am able to perform the following tasks when creating a slide show:
- Explain the features, uses, advantages, and disadvantages of multimedia/presentation programs and projects.
- Create an original slide show file.
- Use the outline feature of the program to organize the presentation.
- Add, delete and rearrange slides in the presentation.
- Select or create a background/master.
- Add titles, text and bulleted and numbered text.
- Add. resize, and move images to slides including:
- Original photographs.
- Clip art.
- Original graphics using drawing tools.
- Scanned images.
- Locate royalty-free images on the Internet and be able to cite the source of images.
Create an original slideshow of at least six slides on a single topic. The slide show must be organized, have a
consistent style and format, and include both text and graphics. Submit a printout of the slides or share the file online.
Assessment checklist
- Name of the file, along with your name, your teacher’s name, class name and hour on the first slide.
- There is a minimum of six slides.
- All slides have readable text and a consistent format (background, font, layout).
- Each slide has a title.
- At least one slide has a block of text.
- At least one slide has bulleted or numbered text.
- The slide contain each of the following (and are labeled)
- An original photograph.
- A piece of clip art shown in 3 sizes at various locations on a single slide.
- An original graphic created with the program’s drawing tools.
- A scanned image with the source clearly stated.
- A royalty-free image with the source clearly stated.
(This performance assessment makes me uneasy since such projects should include presentation skills along
with the technology skills.)
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