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« Teck Check - Goal Two: Effective Administration | Main | BFTP: The ultimate rose-colored glasses »

Teck Check - Goal One: Established Infrastructure

For a number of years, I've used a set of simple checklists to help districts begin conversations about the "state of the state" of their technology implementations.

Based on five long-term goals I first articulated in the article, Maslow and Motherboards: Tech Planning, Multimedia School, Jan/Feb 2003, I update these checklists in a regular basis. Over this next week, I'll do so once again. Your comments are welcome (and invaluable).

At the end of the week, I will provide a link to a shared GoogelDrive folder that contains all these checklists as templates under CreativeCommons license.

Goal One: Established Infrastructure

The district will have a reliable, adequate, cost-effective, and secure technology infrastructure that supports the learning, teaching, and administrative goals of the district.

Related educational objective
Progress to date

Adequate and reliable Internet access to the district

Adequate and reliable Internet access to all buildings

Adequate and reliable Internet access to all classrooms, media centers and labs

Level Seven Packet-shaping to prioritize network traffic


Adequate, coverage and capacity, wireless network access through out all buildings

Written security and disaster recovery plan.

Firewall security for networks

User verification through log-in and activity logging

District-wide virus protection software

Remote computer desktop monitoring and maintenance


Back up plan for all data

Adequate workstations and portable devices for staff and student use

Adequate peripheral technologies (printers, scanners, projectors, cameras, interactive white boards, ) for staff and student use

Efficient maintenance, repair and replacement procedures

Adequate and reliable telephone access to the district

Adequate and reliable telephone access to all buildings


Adequate and reliable telephone access to all classrooms

Adequate and reliable interactive television access to the district

Adequate and reliable interactive television access to all buildings

Adequate and reliable interactive television access to all classrooms

Written and thorough technology use policies

Adequate technical support for networks, computer equipment and applications including a helpdesk process for requesting and tracking technical help

Adequate leadership and management related to technology planning, budgeting, and policy-making including process for making collaborative technology decisions


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Reader Comments (2)

Here's another part of the infrastructure, in terms of human capital:

"Ensure that all staff understand the aims and objectives and intended timeline of your chosen technology plan."

If you miss that step, I think you end up with less buy-in to using the technology, and potentially, your awesome infrastructure goes unused.

April 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Wees

Hi David,

I agree completely with this need. It applies to all five areas that I will providing checklists for. I need to do some thinking (I hate that) about how this tool will address planning and communication.

Thank you so much for the reminder,


April 23, 2013 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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