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Espousing "social justice" is unprofessional

.... librarians ... are all about feeding children a steady diet of politically correct pablum under the "social justice" rubric.

The phrase social justice is a euphemism in liberalism's public-policy vernacular for Big Government. What social justice is really about is advocacy for higher taxes, unsecured borders, a single-payer healthcare system, more government regulation, intolerance of dissenters like the Tea Party and evangelical Christians, and protecting abortion factories at all costs. Morrongiello, Gabriella Guess what the librarian is teaching your kids on 'social justice', Washington Examiner, July 27, 2013


Oh, Gabriella, how did you uncover we librarians' secret plot? You are just too clever for us. Foiled again!

The editorial/article/screed talks about a poster session at ALA that promotes  "a kid-friendly definition of social justice and its key features, some of which include: oppose discrimination on account of gender, sexuality, socio-economic and immigration status; support worker's rights, environmental issues and health rights."

Here's the irony: the article is right - librarians should not be espousing obviously political beliefs. It's unprofessional. According to ALA's Code of Ethics:

VII. We distinguish between our personal convictions and professional duties and do not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fair representation of the aims of our institutions or the provision of access to their information resources.

Granted, many if not most librarians that I know are on the left political specturm. And personally, that's just fine and dandy. I lean that direction myself.

It's when out personal beliefs and values begin to impact our programs, our services, and the resources we provide that we begin to violate our own set of professional practices. 

Professional librarians must exhibit a fierce impartiality on any area of values. If librarians don't provide access to diverse information sources and opinions and allow individuals to decide issues for themselves, we are no better than Fox News, the Huffington Post, or Gabriella.

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